Chapter 04

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The moment Celeste Caddel apparated with her daughter Cassiopeia Caddel onto platform nine and three-quarters, all heads turned towards them and everyone recognized them. The tall blonde woman stood with her daughter to the side, staring at everyone in absolute disgust and in a way that would make them believe nobody would ever be good enough for Celeste to treat well. The two of them stood waiting for the arrival of the Blacks, Celeste and Walburga seemed to have come closer ever since Cassiopeia's birthday.

"Straighten your back!" She hissed at her daughter.

Cassiopeia huffed. " I am standing as straight as my back can go. I feel like a wall, mother."

"Are the six bags of just clothes seriously that necessary?"

"Yes, they are more than necessary, you've got a reputation to uphold, and you'd better fix that attitude of yours too, you don't want me fixing it for you in front of everyone do you?"

"no.." Cassie shrunk back

" I don't want to hear any funny business when you get there, do I make myself clear-"

"Celeste!" Walburgas voice boomed as the two Caddels turned to look at her and her son. "So sorry for making you late, Sirius only remembered halfway on the way here that he had forgotten his wand." She glared at her son who looked shamefully to the ground.

" Not to worry Walburga. I'll see you at Christmas, Cici." Celeste smiled warmly. Cassiopeia stared at her mother blankly, she hadn't called her 'Cici' since Cassiopeia was a mere toddler. "Why don't you two get on the train and find a compartment then, make sure to write to me a lot Cici, I'll miss you, darling." The blonde woman pulled her daughter into a hug, Cassiopeia was shocked when her mother hugged her and said she would miss her, she felt like she could cry right there and then

"Yeah, see you..."

" One day, I'm going to do something so horrible she just gets a heart attack," Sirius said as both their mothers disapparated, leaving them alone on the crowded platform. "C'mon, let's go find a compartment." He mumbled.

The first few compartments were already packed with students, some hanging out of the windows talking to their families, and some were even fighting over seats. Cassiopeia and Sirius were pretty late, only arriving on the platform fifteen minutes before the train departed so it wasn't much of a surprise when every compartment was either full or held by older students waiting for their friends. They walked to the end of the train where there was an empty compartment with one boy sitting.

"You go knock on the door and ask if we can sit with him." Cassiopeia looked at Sirius.

"What? Why me?"

"Come on, you're the brave Gryffindor wannabe," Cassiopeia said, rolling her eyes.

"Fine." Sirius walked towards the compartment and slid the door open. "Hey, mate. Mind if we join you? Everywhere else is full."

"Yeah, sure, I don't mi- Caddel?"

Cassiopeia frowned looked over Sirius' shoulder and grinned."Potter! We meet again!" She chuckled and pushed sirius into the compartment, following after him.

"You guys know each other?" Sirius looked between them, it was james who answered him.

"Yeah! We met at Madame Malkin's, I'm James Potter by the way."

"I'm Sirius."

"So am I."

"No, his name is Sirius." Cassiopeia rolled her eyes in amusement.

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