Chapter 02

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 Nightmares have always haunted the young blonde. It was usually the same particular nightmare that always replayed in her head. Growing up Cassiopeia always wondered what she had done wrong in her life for her parents to stop loving her. 

She still replayed that one core memory in her head repeatedly and liked to think that one day everything would go back to the way it was. It was always the same memory of her with her mother. When she was five years old and her mother was rocking her in her arms lovingly singing her a lullaby, Cassiopeia replayed the same words her mother had said to her that moment, 'Mama and daddy will always love you, Cici'. Cassiopeia always wondered if her mother ever meant those words truly or if it was just the heat of the moment. 

The second she wondered about such a thing, all the horrible memories from the yea rafter would flood in. One specific memory was always in the back of her head.

She was eight years old at the time, that year she was spending the summer with her grandparents at a beach house among muggles. Both Cassiopeia's parents made it very clear that they didn't want to be there but they stayed anyway never leaving the house.

 Cassiopeia had become friends with a muggle boy called William, who lived in the house next to her grandparents' and was only a year older than her. They would go out and play every day on the beach. On Su, the thirteenth of July, 1969, Cassiopeia had just come back to the house after playing with William all afternoon, she told him that her birthday was in two weeks, and she would be going back to the Caddel Mannor and wanted him to come to her birthday party. 

He agreed and asked for the address which he would go to, but only being eight she did not know so she excused herself for a minute and went back to the house to ask her parents.

"Father!Father!" She called happily. " What is the address of our manner?"

Atticus gave her a wary look. "Why?"

" I invited my friend William to come to my birthday party, but neither he nor his parents ever heard of Caddel Mannor, so I need the address please!" She grinned widely.

" Who the hell is William?"

" He lives in the house next to us,"

Atticus, expression changed to one of pure anger after a few seconds of shock and disbelief.

" You befriended a muggle?"

"yeah?" Cassiopeia answered in confusion. Then her eyes widened when her father pulled her harshly by her shoulder and dragged her to the house next to them.

" What are you doing, father!?" She asked in horror

"I've always found that to learn from your mistakes you've got to make it...memorable." He said in a harsh tone. He exploded the door of the Muggle family's house and barged in. 

The family of four, William's mother, father, older sister, and William himself all came rushing at the sound with looks of horror on their faces.

"Cas?" The youngest boy who had short blonde hair and dark brown eyes said in confusion as he stared at them.

"So that's William then, isn't it? Come here, son," Atticus said in what seemed to be a soft voice. The little boy walked towards the man slowly. Atticus put a hand around his shoulder and made him face his family. "Tell me, William, do you possibly know what I hate most right after mudbloods?"

" Mudbloods? What's that?

"I'm the one asking here not you," Atticus grunted, Cassiopeia's knees were shaking like crazy as she was horrified of her father.

" Father, plea-"

"Quiet! I'll deal with you when we get back home. Answer me, son."

William's family were all staring at them in horror.

"William, get back here!" His mother hissed but Atticus only tightened his grip on the little boy.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to talk. Now kid, do you know what I hate more than mudbloods?"

" No, sir. What do you hate more than mudblo-"

"Muggles." He whispered with a grin. Atticus pulled out his wand."Do you know what this is?"

Cassiopeia almost let out a loud sob." Father! What are you-"

"SILENCE!" He roared making everyone flinch, he looked back at William waiting for his response.

" A stick?"

"It's a wand, let me show you a little magic trick." With that, Atticus pointed his wand at William's father. " Avada Kedavra!" A bright green light shot out of his wand and straight to the man's chest making him fall to the ground lifeless.

"Dad! What did you do to him!?" The older girl, William's older sister was the first one who screamed, Her mother stood with her hand over her mouth and a look of horror as she stared from her husband's dead body to the little girl whose eyes were as wide as saucers and her entire body shaking, to the older man who had a furious look on his face, to her son who was yelling at the Atticus to let him go. 

Atticus pointed his wand at William's older sister and repeated the same motion making her drop dead next to her father. He then bent down next to the little boy who was crying.

" This is one of my favorites, look" He grinned evilly as he pointed his wand at the older woman."Crucio!" He roared as the woman screamed blood-curdling screams while withering on the ground in pain. The little boy yelled and screamed for Atticus to stop. Atticus then ended her life with the killing curse just like the other two family members.

" This was for you, William. Because I hate muggles almost as much as mudbloods and half-breeds." He then turned his head to his daughter who was shaking like crazy with silent tears falling down her face.

"This one is for you, Cassiopeia, so next time you think of disobeying me and disgracing our family in such a way, you'll have to think twice." He whispered as he pointed his wand at the little boy and used the cruciatus curse making the little boy scream, yell, and kick in pain. 

Cassiopeia let out a loud sob as she stared at her friend, she cried and begged for her father to stop but he wouldn't. Atticus then killed William after making him watch his whole family get murdered in front of his eyes, he followed right after them.

" We are going back home right this instant, you absolute disgrace and embarrassment!" He spat in his daughter's way who was sobbing and shaking hysterically.

Eyes snap open, Cassiopeia is covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may have followed her here, sits up cautiously, shivering, rubs her head and eyes and tries to fully awaken. 

She hated how weak she felt, she thought of what her mother or father would say if they saw her in this pathetic state. Taking deep breaths, trying to even out her breathing Cassiopeia swung her legs over the soft mattress and her bare feet touched the cold marble floor of her bedroom. 

She got dressed into a simple inky blue top along with a white skirt that ended a few inches above her knees, and brushed her champagne blonde hair into a neat high ponytail. Putting on her shoes Cassiopeia glanced at the clock on her wall. '8:28' it read. Only two minutes until breakfast is served and Cassiopeia is to be at the table with her parents.


(Feel free to correct any mistakes i made, also comment and vote and i dunno what else honestly, i just want your guys' opinions <3)

Q: What's your favourite subject at school?

A: Maths

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