Chapter 10

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 "RUN!" Cassiopeia yelled, and the three of them sprinted away.

"WHICH WAY DID WE COME!?" James shouted as they kept turning corners, trying to run faster.

"COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" Filch bellowed from far behind them

Sirius slipped on his shoelaces and fell to the ground with a cry, spraining his ankle. He stood up in an attempt to run again but was way too slow.

"Cassie, wait!" James called. Cassiopeia, having taken the lead and being far in front of them looked back and saw Sirius limping. She halted herself and ran back to him along with James.

They each threw one of Sirius' arms over their shoulder to help him escape. But not even a minute later, Filch caught up with them and yanked them by the back of their pyjamas.

"Shit!" Sirius muttered.

"Shit indeed," Cassiopeia and James muttered in sync.

"I'll get you expelled for this, you little devils!" Filch said angrily as he gasped for air while dragging them to his office.

"Have I mentioned that your umm.. er- hair is very shiny? What shampoo do you use?" Cassiopeia smiled at the caretaker who ignored her. She huffed as the other two boys snorted. "Rude,"

They were supposed to be scared or bothered, but they weren't. They kept giggling and sniggering even when they reached Filch's office.

"Stay right where you are, I'll go get Professor McGonagall!" He glared at their grinning faces.

As soon as he left they all burst out laughing, Cassiopeia's cheeks were red from trying to contain her laugh as well as James and Sirius.

The door burst open and Professor McGonagall came into the room looking furious, followed by Filch who had a wicked smirk on his lips.

"Outrageous!" She yelled, shaking her head in fury and disbelief. "Three students out of bed after curfew! Sneaking into the kitchens- how you have managed to find it on your first day here is beyond me!"

"We-" James began with a grin.

"Silence, Potter!" She cut him off. "I've never seen such peculiar, horrendous behaviour! Students from my house breaking rules and classes haven't even started! Ten points from Gryffindor! Each! You will all receive one week detention and I will be writing to your parents tonight!"

For the first time that night, Cassiopeia's grin fell. Not only were her parents going to find out that she was sorted into Gryffindor, but they were going to find out she had got in trouble and receive detention on her first day.

She looked at Sirius and saw him already looking at her with wide eyes.

Filch looked rather disappointed as he clearly wanted them expelled.

"Now off to bed!" Professor McGonagall yelled. The three of them walked out in silence and this time they managed to find the common room.

"I'm sorry..." Cassiopeia said quietly when they got into the common room.

"What for?" James raised an eyebrow. Cassiopeia looked at Sirius guiltily.

"That I got you guys in trouble...It was my idea to explore the castle..."

James put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "It was our decision, and it was epic might I add!" His smile turned to a grin.

Sirius grinned and Cassiopeia felt her heart melt at her friends. "We're definitely doing this again!"

They bid each other goodnight and went to bed. Cassiopeia ignored the tugging feeling in her stomach and went to sleep.


A VERY short chapter, I knowwww!

Q: What is your favourite position in quidditch?
A: Chaser.

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