Chapter 14

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She didn't have sweet dreams like Lily wished her. She had the same nightmare since she was eight. For the rest of the week, she would wake up every morning to the three girls sitting over her bed looking at her in worry.

Alice, Lily, and Marlene would all try to pry answers out of Cassiopeia but she never said anything. She didn't know how her new friends would see her. After all, it was her fault that William and his family were dead.

The guilt ate her alive. Cassiopeia never truly forgave herself for it, she knew she could never. Even her mom had confirmed that Cassiopeia was the reason William and his entire family were dead. For befriending a muggle.

The rest of the week passed by in no time, and it was finally Friday. Almost everyone was looking forward to the last class that day. Flying class. 

After lunch, the first-year Gryffindors and Slytherins had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Hansley was a tall skinny woman, with short dark red hair. They were still covering how to treat werewolf bites since the beginning of the week.

As soon as the bell rang, almost everyone sprinted out of the classroom. Cassiopeia ran with Marlene who was just as eager as Cassiopeia.

When they finally reached the north courtyard of the castle and were met with a stern-looking teacher. She had short spiky grey hair and piercing yellow hawk-like eyes.

 The four girls were among the first few students to arrive, Cassiopeia and Marlene being excited and having to drag Lily and Alice there as well. 

"How are her eyes so yellow?" Marlene frowned.

"I'm guessing some sort of curse?" Cassiopeia shrugged.

"It's awful really!" Lily complained from next to them.

"I think they look pretty cool," said Cassiopeia and Marlene nodded in agreement.

"I'm not talking about her eyes, I'm talking about this horrible class," 

"I agree," Alice nodded.

"You guys are crazy!" Cassiopeia said in disbelief and Marlene nodded vigorously.

"I'm terrified of heights!" said Alice with wide eyes.

"Okay that makes sense, what's your excuse then? Hm?" Marlene narrowed her eyes at Lily.

"I'm just scared, I've never flown a broom before."

Cassiopeia and Marlene gaped at her in disbelief. "So you've never played quidditch?"

"I didn't even know about Hogwarts until last January," The read-head rolled her eyes at their dramatics.

Cassiopeia felt her heart sink and her stomach gave an awful lurch. "You're muggle-born?" Cassiopeia asked quietly.

Lily looked confused at the change in manner while Alice and Marlene gave her suspicious looks. Lily nodded and Cassiopeia only smiled at her. Lily was a muggle-born. Lily was what her parents liked to call a 'mudblood'. Lily, the girl she had become very close with over the last week, wasn't a pureblood.

Cassiopeia felt horrified. She dreaded to think what her parents might do if they found out. If Evan Rosier or Lucius Malfoy (who have been keeping a not-very secretive eye on her and probably reporting her to her parents) found out about Lily's blood status, they would tell her parents. Her parents would kill Lily and her family. Just like her father did with William and his family.

She was putting Lily in danger. She was a danger to one of her closest friends. Cassiopeia had decided that starting from the next day, she was going to try and spend less time with Lily. 

Sure Marlene and Alice were 'blood traitors', but her parents wouldn't ever come near their families because they could fight back. But Lily's family wouldn't be able to do a single thing against cruel, skilled, fully grown malicious wizards.

 What would Lily do if that ever happened? How would Cassiopeia even be able to live with herself, knowing that she could've done something but didn't? How-

"Cassie?" Alice's voice cut off her awful thoughts. Cassiopeia blinked and looked at her brunette friend.

"What was that?"

"Are you listening to what Madam Hooch just said?"

"Madam Hooch?"

"That's her name, she just said that," 

"Oh, right, must've zoned out," Cassiopeia smiled guiltily.

"C'mon, let's line up,"

Their were many students who were familiar with riding a broom like every pureblood or halfblood, and others weren't familiar with it like all the muggle-borns. 

Some of who were familiar with riding a broom were eager such as Cassiopeia, Marlene, Sirius and James, others weren't, such as Alice, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

"Well, what are you all waiting for?' Madam Hooch barked. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."

 Cassiopeia glanced down at his broom. It was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles.

 "Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say, 'Up!'" 

"UP!" everyone shouted.

Cassiopeia's broom jumped into her hand at once, along with James, Sirius, and a Slytherin boy but it was one of the few that did. Marlene's had simply rolled over on the ground and Lily's and Alice's hadn't moved at all.

Cassiopeia grinned at Marlene when she managed to get it right on the second try. Madam Hooch then showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, and walked up and down the rows correcting their grips.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle – three – two – one!" She blew her whistle.

Cassiopeia soared through the air with Marlene right next to her. James and Sirius too were very good flyers. Only two of the Slytherins managed to get far: Adam Cromwell and Steve Verlice.

The lesson had ended sooner than Cassiopeia would've hoped. She was about to join the girls when she remembered her thoughts from earlier. 

She knew it was very hypocritical, and all her friends would probably think she was a blood supremacist, but she had to do it for the safety of her friend.

For the first time in a long time, Cassiopeia didn't know what she was supposed to do. How was she supposed to avoid Lily but still hang out with Alice and Marlene? If only she had normal parents... If only she had understanding parents who weren't psychotic blood supremacists...

But somethings can't be changed that easily. So, Cassiopeia was going to make a change herself. She was going to avoid Lily along with Alice and Marlene if she had to. 

This time, she was going to try and keep her friend safe. 

This time, she was going to try and keep her parents and personal life far, far away from her friends. 

This time, she wasn't going to allow her parents to be the reason for the murder of one of her friends and her family.

This time, she wasn't going to let anyone she cared for and loved have the same terrifying fate as William and his family. Not if she can help it.


I don't know about this chapter you guys...

Don't be a ghost reader, lovlies <3

Q: How old do you guys think I am (according to the style of writing)?

A: Nah, you guys answer this one on your own :)

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