Chapter 15

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Over the next week, Cassiopeia avoided all three girls completely. It was very hard considering that they were her dorm mates but she managed. 

She hung out with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter who barely talked around Cassie as to how shy he was. She would wake up before all three girls and leave early in the morning, then she would stay up late in the common room or the kitchens and go back to her dorm after she was sure they were all asleep.

Cassiopeia had also managed to master the 'Muffliato' spell. She would cast it every night before going to bed so she wouldn't wake the girls up with her loud nightmares.

"Cassie?" Cassiopeia was once again snapped out of her thoughts by James. She looked next to her and he had a concerned look on his face. She had zoned out once again, she seemed to be doing that a lot more often these days.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?"

"No?" Said Cassiopeia sheepishly.

"You've been acting very weird lately, you know? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" 

"Eat your food,"

Cassiopeia frowned at him. "I don't feel like it,"

"I'll shove the food down your throat with my hands if you don't finish your plate," James said as he piled food onto her empty plate. Cassiopeia didn't know whether to laugh or be annoyed or feel heartwarmed.

After dinner Cassiopeia walked back to the common room with a full stomach, she had decided that she didn't fancy James shoving food down her throat so she ate.

The five of them sat in the common room opposite the fire, talking, laughing, and in Remus' case doing homework. 

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Cassiopeia offered. She had grown very close with Remus over the week. He had this calm and friendly aura that would always make Cassiopeia feel like everything was okay.

"No thanks, I'm almost done anyway," He smiled at her. Cassiopeia frowned when she noticed that he looked paler than ever. He looked more worn out than on the platform and the dark circles under his eyes were even darker. He looked very sick.

"Remus, are you okay?" Said Cassiopeia quietly so the other three boys wouldn't hear her.

Remus visibly stiffened and Cassiopeia frowned even more. "Er- y-yeah, I-I'm just a bit under the weather."

"Why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey? I'll come with you if you want, I don't mind."

"No!" He said instantly."I'll be fine, thanks for asking though," Cassiopeia didn't believe him for a second but she decided to drop it and just smiled at him. 

Sirius and James were still sitting next to her, still talking and laughing.

"Oh! You're finally done!" Sirius said when he caught Remus' eye.

"Not particularly, just had enough," he shrugged.

"Let's do that forest trip from earlier this week tomorrow,"

"Yeah, great idea!"

"What forest trip?" Remus asked looking between them.

"We're going to sneak out to the Dark Forest after midnight!" James said enthusiastically.

"You guys should come too," Cassiopeia looked between Remus and Peter, James and Sirius nodded vigorously.

"The dark forest? After midnight?" Peter exclaimed, looking terrified.

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