Chapter 13

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The rest of the day flew by. They had Defense Against the Dark Arts after lunch, and it was many's favorite class including Cassiopeia. 

Cassiopeia had finally found a class more boring than herbology. History of magic. It was the only class taught by a ghost, the class was so boring that Cassiopeia fell asleep along with James who had sat next to her. They both got detention.

Their last class was potions. Professor Slughorn was a very cheery man but it was very obvious from the first day that he had favourites. Potions was dreadful with the Slytherins.

"What do you guys say that we venture into the dark forest tonight?" James suggested as the three of them walked to dinner.

"James, we haven't even done McGonagall's detention yet, and we still have Binn's detention. You really wanna go today?"

"Well, dear Cassie, I think we should discover as much of the castle as fast as possible!" James put an arm over her shoulder as he used his other arm to point around them.

"I'm down," Sirius chimed. They both looked at Cassiopeia expectantly.

"Fine," She rolled her eyes.

"We'll go after our detention with Minnie, what do you guys say?"

"Minnie?" Sirius frowned.

"Yeah, Cassie and I came up with it before we fell asleep in History, Professor Mcgonagall is a mouthful,"

"Makes sense," Sirius shrugged.

After they bid goodbye to Remus, they set off to McGonagall's office to receive their detention. Cassiopeia knocked and walked in with James and Sirius right behind her.

"For your detention, you'll be organizing and dusting the books in the library every day for the rest of the week. Without magic. And you are to be back in your common room before curfew, am I clear?"

"How would that even be possible?" Sirius had his jaw slightly opened.

"Well Mr Black, you managed to find the kitchens on your first day here, so I'm sure anything I ask of you is possible. Mr Filch will be escorting you to the library to make sure you don't get lost,"

They walked in silence for a while.

"Cleaning the library is nothing! I remember the good old days when they would hang children up from their wrists and beat them up with a cane," Filch sighed in disappointment.

The three kids shared knowing looks as there was no way they ever did that to kids at Hogwarts. When they got to the library it was almost empty.

They each set off to different sections of the library. Even if they managed to organize the entire library and dust every book that day, they still had to go back the next day as it was bound to get messy.

Cassiopeia held a white feather duster, Sirius was dusting a shelf behind her and James was a few shelves away.

"Almost done, darling?" Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at the nickname. Even though they bickered a lot, they still enjoyed each other's company due to how alike they were.

"No, are you?"


"You dusted and organized all the books already?"

"Not really, just dusted them," He shrugged.

"Are you not going to organize them or something?"


"And who do you expect to do it for you?"

"You, darling." He winked.

"Dream on, Black, once I'm done with my part, I'm out out of here."

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