Chapter 8 ( Event )

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The event this times being held at Emperor castle hall near the garden and was attended by some of the royal family and important soldier who has contribute in the last mission including the Major General of each division. When Damian, Karlyle, Eugene and Allen arrived, all the intention suddenly draw to them. Each of their movement were recorded as they walking through the media. Many of the female who attended with their male were burn with jealousy as their male staring at the Major Generals the moment they arrive but they can only suppress it as to not anger their master.

The males from the important family has been eyeing the Major Generals since along time ago. Even when the marriage proposal been rejected by them, the males zerg still not willing to give up. As long as the Major Generals still single, they believe they still has the chance to grab no matter what. Among them, there was the nephew of emperor who was staring at Major Generals direction aggressively, Archie Waverly. Besides him is Liam Dutton from the Marquis Dutton family. Liam specifically look at Eugene face as Eugene walk besides Damian. If Damian didn't find them that night, he confident that he can make Eugene as his. He can still vividly feel Eugene's body below him as he trying to unbutton his uniform. His plead as he begging him to stop. Shit, if that bastard Damian didn't come...

''Relax, he will be yours after this.'' Archie said as he saw how intensive his friend staring at one of the Major General.

''Yea...'' Liam mumble without shifting his eyes from Eugene. He has fantasize about him hundred of time before. All of the female he own are no match to Eugene at all. In his eyes, Eugene is the definition of perfect, from hair to toe. He must have him.

While walking, Damian purposely stay beside Eugene when he notice that male zerg are not far from them. He could feel Eugene become a little bit tense and decided to block that male eyes from Eugene by shielding his body. Soon they enter the hall.

''You... okay?'' Karlyle also notice Eugene slight change as they walking. Usually it was Allen who walk besides Eugene but this time it was Damian. Instanly he saw that bastard kept staring at Eugene with pervert stare among the zerg as they walk.

''I'm okay.''

''Haa... But make sure to stay with us okay? If you feel unwell, tell us.'' Karlyle remind Eugene again after reminding him a couple of time in aircraft. He don't want to pressure Eugene with too many question if he don't want to answer it.

''Emm, I will.'' Eugene assure them. He did feel nauseous but he has them with him. It should be okay.

After a while, everyone already seem to arrived. The event started first with the Emperor speech as he congratulate all the military zerg who join the mission. One by one been called to give speech and lastly a person who has sponsoring military machinery since six years ago. The emperor use this opportunity to congratulate this zerg for his excellent contributions to the military without asking for anything in return.

''To this last zerg, we are honour to have him with us today for the first time as he been providing our military department with fighting machine since six years now. Please give around of applause to the Excellency Ryan Alexandra from Alexandra family!''

Everyone start to clap loud as they realize he was a male. The Major Generals instanly search for the male as they hear a familiar name that has be mention by the event mc. They then spot the male as he calmly walk to the stage. Ryan was wearing a simple white suit that fit perfectly to his slim body and since he was more tall than average male height, he look very dazzling and elegant. He then stand infront of the microphone but he didn't talk yet as he slowly scanning the crowd. His eyes then stop where the Major Generals stand and the curve of his lips upward a little as he smile. He just look at them for second, just enough to let them know that he know they there. Unknowingly to him, all of the zerg has been captive by his slighly smile.

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