In a magical realm called Exandria is a group of mercenaries called Vox Machina. They're misfits turned mercenaries for hire taking jobs in Tal'Dorei. However, they're not the greatest mercenaries or the top hundred. But despite all that, they're no...
This story is outside a city in a forest, where we see five types of dragons burning, freezing, blasting, and melting the buildings of the kingdom. One dragon even breathed toxic gas into the city poisoning the people and the walls.
A boy in black armor and a woman in blue armor attempt to run out of the city limits with many others, but only a few make it out alive.
???: Ren! Run! *Coughs*
The armored warrior inhaled too much gas and died.
Ren hyperventilates with fear and quickly runs far from the city not looking back. He then hid underneath a dead tree with his red cape covering him as he watched the dragons flying away from the city.
This was his chance to find survivors as he uncovered his cape. Ren ran to the city to see many of his people... Dead.
He falls to his knees and cries under his helmet.
Ren: I am... Alone... Again...
Then all of a sudden, he hears a clicking-like chirp. Ren turns to where the sound is coming from and sees...
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Tigerback Wyvern
Ren: A survivor...
The Wyvern then rubs its head on Ren's armor, so Ren pets its head back.
Ren: We're one of the many survivors of our people.
They both look at the ghost city that was their home.
Ren: Let's make sure their death was not in vain. We will find those dragons... And when we kill them, we'll feast on their corpses and burn their bones in a fire to forge new armor.
The Wyvern makes a sound in agreement.
Ren: This is the Way. *Cross his arms in an X shape*
[A Few Years Later]
The scene cuts to a tavern in the middle of nowhere, where a brawl is taking place between a gnome and a human.
The human man holds the gnome man by the collar.
Gnome: I come up with the money... J-J-Just please give me time.
The human then threw him aside.
Human: I don't care. I want my money now.
All of a sudden, a stranger in black armor enters the tavern.
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