In a magical realm called Exandria is a group of mercenaries called Vox Machina. They're misfits turned mercenaries for hire taking jobs in Tal'Dorei. However, they're not the greatest mercenaries or the top hundred. But despite all that, they're no...
Vox Machina continues to stare at the hanged bodies on the Sun Tree as ravens take pieces of the dead bodies and eat them.
Percy: The Briarwoods know we've come.
Ren: And using innocent people to warn us.
Keyleth: W-We should cut them down.
Percy: No. *Walks away* The Sun Tree's obviously being watched.
Later in the streets, Vox Machina was running until Percy came to stop, again, to two children looking at a dead raven.
Then a woman peaks out of an alleyway and looks at them.
Woman: Quickly. This way.
The two children ran to the woman and then she saw Vox Machina.
Woman: Are you crazy? Out of the streets. Hide!
They all look at her confused before Grog turns around and sees a giant coming.
Grog: We got to move.
They all enter the alleyway where the woman is hiding. Ren quickly grabs his cape and covers it over himself, Keyleth, and the kids turning them invisible.
Scanlan: Come on, Ren!
The woman shushes Scanlan. They hide as the giant begins to pass them.
Scanlan: Grog, you're part giant. Can you vouch for us?
Grog: *Looks at Scanlan* Oh, what, 'cause we all fucking know each other.
Scanlan: Well, I mean, yeah, kinda.
The giant then passes them and once it does, Ren uncovers his cape, and he, Keyleth, and the kids reappear and his cape turns back to red.
Vax: *Looks at Ren* I need to get one of those capes.
The woman then sees the de Rolo symbol embedded on the buttons of Percy's coat and grabs him.
Woman: Why do you wear this? *Faces Percy* A-Are you part of the resistance?
Percy: Uh, sorry, I-I don't follow.
Vex: The de Rolo crest. Maybe the resistance is using it.
Vax: We're not with them, but we do share an enemy.
Percy: Whitestone is worse off than I expected.
Grog: The Briarwoods are dicks.
Percy: *Looks at the woman* Perhaps we can be of use to each other. Tell me, is Keeper Yennen still alive?
Woman: Why do you want to know?
Percy: If you want change here, Yennen is the only one who can help bring it.
The woman stares at Percy a bit trustworthy.
[Later at Night]
An old woman puts on her hood and grabs a lit lantern before walking away from the town square. As she continues walking, she suddenly hears footsteps behind her.
???: *Stops walking* Greetings, strangers.
The woman turns around and is revealed to be Keeper Yennen
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