In a magical realm called Exandria is a group of mercenaries called Vox Machina. They're misfits turned mercenaries for hire taking jobs in Tal'Dorei. However, they're not the greatest mercenaries or the top hundred. But despite all that, they're no...
In a slightly lit room, a young Ren wearing his helmet is standing next to a blue-armored woman...
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Working on a table with a bunch of glass containers of bugs, organs, liquids, herbs, and spices.
Ren: Why can't you train me some more combat skills, Mentor?
Mentor: *Chuckles* My little Starash, *Pours water into a pot over a small fire* being Paldalorian is not only about knowing how to fight but also knowing how to make things.
Ren: Well, what are you making, Mal?
Mal: Holy water. *Pours the herbs into the pot*
Ren: But don't you need the blessing of a god to make holy water?
Mal: As Paldalorians, the only blessing we have to our god is our metal. *Crushes the bugs into pieces* The very metal that makes our armor and weapons. *Pours the bug pieces into the pot* But we learned how to make our own holy water without the requirement of blessing from the gods.
Ren: Could you teach me?
Mal: *Pours a clear liquid into the pot* Of course, my little Starash. Pass the salt, please?
Ren then gives his mentor the salt then she pours the salt into the pot.
Mal: As a Paldalorian Foundling, you are entitled to learn everything about your birthright, like how my mentor taught me.
Ren: Will you teach me everything that your mentor taught you?
Mal: I will try to. *Shreds the organs over the pot and the pieces fall into the pot* Someday, I won't be around to teach you anything. You will have to learn things on your own.
Ren: But will I be able to? Do you really think I can learn on my own?
Mal: *Stops working* Ren. *Faces Ren* My little Starash, you are a gifted Paldalorian. You have progressed more than your many foundling brothers and sisters. *Places her hand on the cheek of his helmet* Taking you in was the great day of my life.
Ren stares at his mentor/mother figure as she gets back to making holy water. Mal knew her student was smiling from under his helmet.
In present-day Whitestone, Vox Machina and the resistance ran through the town from any pursuing guards.
Archie: *To the Elven Rebel revealed to be named Bryn* Spread word of our escape. Rendezvous in the morning.