The Fey Realm

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In the Fey Realm, Vax, Vex, Percy, Ren, and Keyelth continue to worry about Grog, Pike, and Scanlan.

Keyleth began to walk around in circles as everyone began to ask her questions.

Keyelth: Oh no, oh gods.

Percy: What happened to the others?

Keyleth: Uh, I don't know.

Percy: Where's Pike?

Vex: How do you not know?!

Ren: Okay, everybody shut up! Give her a moment!

They all did what he said. Vax then tells Keyleth.

Vax: Breathe, alright, just tell us what you remember.

Keyleth breathes as she stops walking in circles and faces the others.

Keyleth: I tried to take us to the next Vestige. Umbrasyl disrupted my spell I- I managed to transport us here, but the others... Went somewhere else?

Ren: Wherever they are they're probably somewhere in Tal'Dorei. Possibly safe away from Umbrasyl 

Vax: *Sighs and looks at Vax* At least we're together.

Keyleth: *Looks away* I shouldn't have pulled a spell like that.

Ren: If you hadn't, they wouldn't just be lost. They'd be dead.

Keyleth: But, *Begins to cry* Pike... She was-

Ren: *Grabs Keyleth by her shoulders and has her face him* With Grog and Scanlan. Pike is stronger than we think. We have to have faith that they're okay.

Keyleth lightly smiles at Ren.

Vex: They're not the only ones lost.

The others look at Vex as she begins to look at the mysterious place while unworldly creatures fly past them.

Vex: Where the hell are we?

Keyleth: Well, I was trying to take us to the next Vestige of Divergence.

Percy: I think you succeeded. It's here. Somewhere.

Ren: Huh, this place doesn't look that bad.

Keyleth then notices a small little bird flying around her.

Keyleth then notices a small little bird flying around her

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Keyleth: *Gasp* Hello, little floof.

The little bird begins to fly away as Ren, Vax, and Keyleth watch.

Keyleth: Aw, that is the prettiest bird I have ever-

Suddenly several purple vines grab the bird and pull it down. Keyleth, Vax, and Ren see that the purple vines are coming from the planets next to them.

The bird screeches in pain as the plants rip it apart. Keyleth gasps as she falls to her knees and Ren and Vax's eyes widen in horror.

Ren: Dank Farrik, what the fuck?!

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