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The next day history class is again begin. And they had an assignment.  So they passed their assignment and ooblek was shock to see the assignment jaune has.

Ooblek- my oum!! Mr jaune you did all the assignemnt that i was supposed to give you all!!

Jaune- sir i just write all the details about history that i know.. although some of my research is not accurate..

Ooblek- i see..well then this Mount of papers that you passed is consist the whole semester.. so i guess no assignment for you for the whole semester..

Weiss- this isn't fair!!!

Yang- yeah!!

Pyrrha- sir why jaune is excempted in assignment for the whole semester??

Ooblek- becausr this ampunt of papers covers up the all semester class..now history is not just a minor subject but history is also the pillar of huntsman and huntress. Now then yesterday we discuss about the conjunction of the spheres and the monsters that exist before grimms do.. now we discuss about something else..now students do you believe that in the past magic is really existed!!

Weiss- no i am not believe that magic is real!! Even in the past magic didn't really existed but dust do exist...

Pyrrha- sir if magic really exist why all of us here doesn't posses any  sign of magic..

Ooblek- actually miss schnee and miss nikos magic exist and miss bikps you all did posses magic..and this is called semblance..and semblance is a product of magic..in history only select few peiple posses magic and it was unique due to the conjunction only a select few people has magic and they called sorceress and mage and even wizards..since after the cataclysm is over many mage and sorceress use everything they got in order prevent another cataclysm  to happen and magic has erased for so many years. But even magic is no longer exist but the product haven't and many of us possesed it..and each of us had a unique magic or semblance.

Weiss- so dr semblance and magic are the same??!!

Ooblek- yes miss schnee..unlike us people who wield magic in the past is so strong..the magic from the past can do many rituals..now guys we all know that black magic still exist who can tell the forbidden magic ever existed??

Jaune- necromancy!!

Ooblek- correct..necromancy is a forbidden magic ever exist.

Ruby- magic is cool but  why necromancy is forbidden?

Ooblek- there are two types of magic..what we posses now is a product of white magic. And necromancy is a product of black magic because necromancy is a magic that can summon a dead being such as animal and humans.. necromancy use a ritual that is called dark spells. All mage and sorceress knows how to do it..

Jaune- black magic is not cool.. because if we use black magic there is a consequence that we will face..

Weiss- and what is the consequence if we use black magic??

Jaune- if we perform a necromancy with a wrong ritual. The consequence that we are going to face is severe..because most necromancer are insane vecause the pruce they pay is their humanity.  Because necromancer is having a contract with a devil..that is why black magic is forbidden and most people living in the past are insane..most ruler believe that magic is a product of evil doers..that is why many sorcereccess were exiled or executed..even herbalist were executed..

Blake- that is so in hamane and brutal 

Jaune- i agree with you blake..

Ren- but why herbalist were executed??

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