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The day has finally come for jaune to return in beacon. The students want jaune to stay and should continue his job here rather than beacon.

Ironwood- students as much as we want to stay him here. But we can't hog gim for our selves. Now ldt thia be a lesson to all of you..ee may have a powerful and high twch weapon but we also have a weakness too. While beacon has jaune a certified monster slayer...but we have to let him go..

Student 1- why sir!! He belongs here if we let him go atlas will b-

Ironwood- silence! The monster slayer belongs to beacon and always will be. We have no right to take him away to where he truely belongs..his home will always be in vale. Just be glad that the monster slayer here accepts the invitation. And teach us everything that he knows..and now we need to comply the knowledge that he teach us..mr jaune here a lot on his plate. Let him do his job and we should do lur part too..

Council- and now master witcher accept this huge amount of lien..and thank you for your service..i hope we can see you again.

Jaune- we will soon..it's not the end of the world..

Jaune accepts the payment..

Ironwood-well then we should go to beacon.

Jaune- you will go too??

Ironwood- of course...ozpin called me  and it seems the nikos is peatering her again alomg with the mistral council..

Jaune- what does she wants??

Ironwood- i don't know...but we should head to beacon

Jaune nodded..

Jaune and qrow return to beacon along with ironwood with winter and the ace ops..

When they return landed in beacon ozpin is there alonh wuth goodwitch. The mistral council and the nikos..

Ozpin- greetings general..

Ironwood- ahh ozpin how was beacon??

Ozpin- beacom is fine..i hope your students didn't di something stupid for the witcher..

Ironwood-none of my students didn't cause a problem fornthe witcher...and why the mistralians are here??

Ozpin- they want the witcher to heal miss nikos...and they bring her here..

Ironwood- whaaaat!!!! Ozpin ylu do realize how dangerous she could be??!!

Ozpin- yes good thing team crdl and blake weiss nora and ren are aremed with silver bullets thanks to harrold.. and she is weaken because we tie her in silver chains when she is in himan form..

Ironwood- how did she capture??

Ozpin- the council said they set a trap..but i doubt it...

Ironwood- indeed! i saw how werewolves can be aggressive..and this stupid council and the mother nikos bring a danger that can harm students here!!!

Mistral council- i don't care!!!

Mrs nikos- i want my daughter return to normal!!! Now!!

Jaune- you better shut your mouth if i were you...or else you two will meet my blade..

Mistral council-and who are you!!!!

Jaune- i am the one that you looking for...

Jaune step.lut on the bullhead mrs nikos and the council saw jaune arc.

Mrs nikos- you!! Young man heal.my daughter now!!!!

Jaune-and if don't?? What will you do?? And how much you want to pay me??

Mistral council- why should we give you reward!!!

Jaune- alright...

Mrs nikos- good now g-

Jaune- headmaster...take pyrrha away from my fortress

Mrs nikos- whhhhaaaattt!!!

Mistral council- how dare you!!

Jaune- i don't want to waste my time. To deal with that idiot..let her suffer...now out of my way...winter you know what to do..

Winter- is it safe for her to transfer somewhere else?

Jaune- if she is tied in silver chains..then she is weak..she is safe and vesides it's not even a fullmoon..

Winter- at once master..

Jaune- kick her out of the academy..and throw her away in the forest...

Mistral council- you dare throw away the mistral champion..

Jaune- so what..this isn't mistral..this is vale as far as i know vale has it's own rule to be follow..

Mrs nikos- and you ate bound to the rule!!

Jaune- and whon aid that i was bound on the rules???

Mrs nikos-........

Ozpin- idiots.....

Jaune- you can go and throw pyrrha away..as long as it's far away from my fortress. I'm afraid if she stay here she will devour the children here marrow you can go with winter. 

Marrow- roger that..

The ace ops went to get the werewolf and jaune went inside the academy..

Mrs nikos- you can't do this!!!!

Mistral council- heal her now!!! Or you declaring war against!! Mistral..

Jaune- general ozpin i will be taking my rest..you can do whatever you want as long as you don't disturb me..

Ozpin- have a good rest master witcher..now james lets talk about his excursion in atlas...

Ironwood- let's go my friend...

The two went insidr the academy with glynda and the two whining miatralian..

At pyrrha's location winter and the ace ops arrive in her location when they spot weiss nora blake ren and team crdl guarding a human form of pyrrha

Winter- hello kids..how was her situation??

Weiss- ugh!! Pyrrha is in great trouble if you ask me..

Cardin- yeah..she really is in deep trouble..

Pyrrha- ha!! As if! You were lucky i wad captured!! On a trap!! If not i will gonna kill you all!!

Winter- whatever...kids you can go now..jaune's order..

Cardin- he is already here??

Winter- yes..for now he is tired on a trip..he doean't like to ride bullhead..so let him rest.

Blake- what are you gonna do??

Marrow- we will gonna throw her out on the woods..and jaune is extremely pissed because this moron and her mother went here and and ozpin called to general ironwood and reach to jaune..and jaune is really pissed off..

Cardin- ohh shit...those fools really did something else..

Winter- and that this girl's mother demand him to heal her now..really??

Marrow- good thing itnis not a full moon..

Russel- what about it??

Marrow- i don't really know about it but my feeling is there is a connection between that girl and the full moon.. but any way go now kids we will handle this situation..

Cardin- very well see you guys..

Weiss- carefull sister..

Winter- i will..see you tomorrow

Weiss and the rest return to their dorm while wintet and the ace ops deal with pyrrha and took her to the forest

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