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The next morning the group. They prepare them selves..and they went to a near by area..

When they arrive the group was shock to see many corpse.

Marrow- my oum what happen to this area..

Vine- did some monster attack this area??

Jaune- no bandit attack.

Harriet- how do you know??

Victim- s-sir h-help us..

Jaune- what happen??

Victim-bandits attacking and they start raping the young ones and taking our belongings..

Marrow- i'll call for some help..

Marrow is calling some ambulancr to help those who are wounded and jaune unsheath the sword and the group follow jaune..

Not far away the group spotted a number of bandits

Bandit- well~ well~ a group of atlasean scum along with a faunus-animal..

Jaune- what did you do..

Bandit- raiding this forsaken village of course..

Jaune- why??

Bandit- because thus is what we do. .stealing and raping..

Jaune is in a foul mood and he attacks the bandit without any warning and he kill them alone winter and the other ace ops was shock to see jaine not oy able to kill monaters but he can equally kill a good number of bandits

The ace ops can't even believe that jaune is fast and they are entrigue that he has another seblance on his sleeve..winter cover her face and she is a little afraid to jaune..she never saw jaune kill a human..all that she knows that jaune only save a life but now she saw the other side of him..

Winter- i can't believe it..jaune butchered a human..

Qrow- sigh~ winter i'm sorry this is a real situation when you go on the road...and this bandits belongs to my family...

Vine- the branwen tribe?? I thought they-

Qrow- even me..i thought the tribe was gone...how did they survive...

Back to jaune after he finish butchering some bandits the new bandit queen arrive to face jaune

Vernal- my~ my~ you butcher ny men...

Jaune- you...

Vernal- it appears a faunus can even fight are you a white fang member

Jaune- do you think i am one of them...what did you do to this town..

Vernal- like what do bandits did...since raven escapes from the attack and almost non of us survives ..i h-

Jaune- raven returns to the place where she belo-

Vernal- she belongs to the tribe..

Before vernal could continue she saw the ace ops not far from them and jaune shout to vernal much to shock of the ace ops and winter..

Jaune- she doesn't belong to you!! Not your tribe!! She belongs to her family!!

Vernal- raven's family is with the tribe!! She can not escape her desti-

Jaune- bullshit!! Raven has a brother!! And she has a husband!! And a child!!! you can't dectate which path she would like to choose!! Who are you to decide which lath that she choose!! She has a husband and a daughter waiting for her!! She has a brother who is worried sick to her entire being!!! Now!! Stop this madness or i will force to do it!!

witcher jaune arcWhere stories live. Discover now