I just realized.....

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I just realized that that Tom's and Rosa's eliminations are pretty similar.

1. Both involved the issue involving the totem (Tom's case being him being tricked to use the totem to save Jake and Rosa's case was hers getting stolen)

2. Both got thrown under the bus for something they DIDN'T do *Tom's case being he was "cheating on" Jake and Rosa's case being she was framed for stealing James' phone and Riya's perfume*

3. They both eliminated by the antagonist(s) *Tom by Fiore, Alec and Ellie (even if you cam debate her being an antagonist or not) and Rosa by Riya*

4. They both got betrayed by someone they were close to and left the camp upset *Tom's case being Jake and Rosa's case being Riya*

Weirdly enough this happened in EPISODE 10.... so is episode 10 supposed to be the "cursed" episode of the season?

Also Rosa is another victim of the 5th place curse from TD

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