Incorrect Quotes #16

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Ellie: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.

Lake: Self-care is suppressing all your trauma until it comes back and hits you in the face with the force of 7 very large trucks.

Trevor: Hey Jensen, can you give me the opposite of these words?
Trevor: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down.
Jensen: Never, Going, To, Give, You-
Jensen: The fucking satisfaction.

Lill: Anyone d-
Alec: Depressed?
Ellie: Drained?
Nick: Dumb?
Fiore: Disliked?
Lill: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people...

Karol or Gabby: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.

Derek: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.

Rosa: Why are your tongues purple?
James: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Aiden: I had a red one.
Rosa: oh.
Rosa: OH.
Sofia: You drank eachothers slushies?

Tom: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.

Dan: How would you like your coffee?
Gabby: As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Dan, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!

Lill: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Nick?
Nick: No.
Will: I do!
Lill: I know, Will.
Will: I’m sad.
Lill: I know, Will.

Yul: Grett?
Grett: Yes babe?
Yul: Don't fight an ugly girl,  she got nothing to lose.
Grett:I'll keep it in mind

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