Chapter 4: Familiar Battle Time

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Karaoke Bar
Hajime POV
Right now, I'm sitting around with everyone that came to this karaoke bar, at least that's what I was told what this is. We all had our own room and we were all doing nothing but just goofing around, singing to the lyrics that were in the screen. Just having fun I guess.

Honestly, it sounded fairly bad. Actually, it was really bad. But they were having fun. I felt a chuckle come out of my throat and I turned my head around to look.

Actually, I might remember this place. It's no doubt that I would.

I remember times when I used to actually work here now as a barback. I didn't make that much money but it helped me pay off some of the debt I used to have.

The people were okay-ish. But it wasn't the best. So I quit the job to try and make more money. I didn't make enough from this place.

But now I'm here...And I'm a member of the House of Sitri. Feels kinda nostalgic...Although yet again, probably not.

Just then, the microphone got handed to me by Tomoe. I looked up at her.

Tomoe: Akamizu! Why don't you have a turn?

Hajime: Eh...? Mmm...okay.

The smile on her face was just an enchanting thing. It made me take it without thinking. I don't think that I have a right to judge a smile.

I didn't ask much on what I do, I just ended up following how they usually did it. I went up to the box and searched for a random song.

When I turned around, I felt the anxiety hit me like I had a sense of stage fright. But, it would look so weird to back down now. I took a deep breath and put the microphone up to my mouth.

Momo POV
Wow...Haji-kun is a really bad singer.

3rd Person POV
The group was soon walking out of the Karaoke bar, with the four girls of Reya, Tomoe, Momo and Ruruko with different smiles on their faces, while Hajime was red of embarrassment.

Hajime's Mind: (That was horrible. I hope I never do that again.)

Alastor: (Yeah dude! You sounded like shit!)

Hajime's Mind: (Jeez. Thanks for the support.)

Alastor: (I try to not disappoint in that category!)

Momo: Haji-kun.

Hajime: Hm?

Hajime looked up to see Momo turning around and placing her hand on his shoulder. Tomoe was also turned around.

Momo: Thanks again for coming with us!

Tomoe: Yeah! I had so much fun having you there! But when do I not have fun with you?

Reya: I gotta say, it was more fun to have a guy with us.

Momo turned to Ruruko.

Momo: Ruruko?

Ruruko groaned a bit and turned around with the other girls, facing Hajime in the process.

Ruruko: Yeah...thanks for coming.

Hajime only stared at the four girls and itched the back of his own head.

Hajime:'re welcome.

Momo took her hand off of Hajime's shoulder and the group began to go back to walking down the street.

Hajime POV
I was catching up to the girls, they sure can walk fast in unison. I found myself ending up walking next to that Nimura brat.

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