Chapter 30: A Date with the Queen

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Sitri Manor
Sona's Bedroom
3rd Person POV
It was morning.

In her bed, Sona awakened from her slumber, sat up and stretched her arms out with a yawn.

However, after she stretched, it was as if something came to her.

Sona POV
Oh yeah...that's right.

Hajime returned...back to me.

And when I saw his face again...I cried into his chest, and he consoled me.


3rd Person POV
Sona's cheeks were now pink and she covered her face with her hands.

Sona: I'm so embarrassed!

Just then, there was a knock on the door. It caught her attention and she looked up from her hands.

Sona: Come in.

The door opened to reveal Serafall. She closed the door behind her, and Sona seemed to be surprised to see her older sister.

Serafall: Morning!

Sona: Serafall...? What're you doing here?

Serafall: Just coming to check on my little sis. That's all...You fell asleep pretty quick last night.

Sona: Oh I'm fine...That's all.

Serafall: Well...You got him back I see.

Sona: Yeah, I did...Guess I was tired after everything and having to endure it all.

Serafall: Oh...! I have some other news!

Sona: What is it?

Serafall: The Youth Devil Rating Game Tournament is being moved back a week for everyone to recover!

Sona looked at Serafall in a bit of surprise, but she then closed her eyes with a sense of relief.

Sona: That's a relief. I'm sure my peerage will need some time to train more and prepare for our first battle...We are the first match after all.

Serafall: Why do you think you're all in the Underworld?

Sona: Of course.

Sona opened her eyes and let out a confident smile.

Sona: Our first Rias Gremory.


(Instead of doing the Arc I tried last time, we'll do this instead.)

(Another note, it's the first match of the tournament according to the manga. The anime made it Rias vs. Diodora. It's a shame, would've been cool to see some development among Issei's harem.)

(So let's get this started!)

Gremory Train
The House of Gremory was back on the train returning home.

Issei: Ah...! What a trip!

Issei leaned back in a booth, sitting next to Kiba, who had a closed eye smile on his face.

Kiba: I wouldn't rest now yet Issei...Why do you think we went to the Underworld?

Issei turned his head to Kiba.

Issei: What do you mean...? It was to get stronger right?

???: We will soon arrive at the Sitri Domain Terminal.

Issei turned to the speaker.

Issei: Sitri...? Guess we're picking them up again.

Shortly after Issei's statement, the train stopped for a minute or two...maybe a third minute.

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