Chapter 26: Spider

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Kuoh Academy
3rd Person POV
It was only short after the reveal of the antagonistic group known as "Spider". And Issei was seen sitting alone currently, alone under a shady tree outside the Occult Research Club.

Issei: Aw man dude. This Spider gang dude. I can't even come to terms of how bad this whole situation is. I don't want to show it to Rias, but it's clouding my head about leaving for the Underworld soon.

Issei moved his knees to his chest and put his arms on them. He put his head down.

Issei: It's so crazy, that I don't think all of the beautiful racks of boobs in the world could help get me out of this mess. It wouldn't even be fun without having one of the greatest friends ever to cherish these moments with me. I still remember when he shared me his experience.

Issei was walking around school. And soon, he found Hajime sitting up against a wall.

Issei: Yo! Akamizu!

Issei ran up to his long black haired friend. But slowly, things seemed awkward. Hajime wasn't respond to him.

Issei: Akamizu? What's wrong?

Once Issei got there, he could see Hajime with his head down and his hands cupped in front of him. He spoke up in a somber tone.

Hajime: Please. Come sit, Hyoudou...

Issei sat down in front of him. That was the moment Hajime opened his eyes at the young boy. He stared directly into Issei's irises.

That moment, he spoke just a phrase. One phrase that absolutely overwhelmed the brown haired perverted teenager to a sheer coldness.

He was stunned, shocked, every word imaginable that was synonymous with shocked, that's what Issei Hyoudou was.

Hajime: Boobs. I've touched them.

Issei closed his eyes and sighed to himself alone.

Issei: It's just not the same.

???: Issei?

Issei: Huh?

Issei looked up from his arms to see Asia looking at him.

Asia: Is everything alright?

Issei:'s fine Asia.

Issei stood up from where he sat.

Issei: We should go. The President said it'll be a long trip to the Underworld.

Issei walked away from Asia. But she just turned around to watch him walk away. Her eyes wore a look of concern, but her face looked as if she was very conflicted.

Asia's Mind: (What's going on with Issei? He never called Rias "The President" before. It's not like him at all. Something is very wrong.)

Unknown Area
It was nightfall. A pair of devils were seen running off while a group of individuals were chasing him.

???: Please! Stay away!

???: Get away from us!

Unfortunately the pair of devils were easily surrounded by the individuals. Soon, their eyes revealed to be red with black sclera. They were without a doubt to be ghouls.

???: It's them!

???: Spider!

Soon, two individuals stood out. They were Kenjiro and Tomio. Tomio stepped forward and gave a grin.

???: That boy! It's him!

???: Why...why would you do this?!

???: You serve the House of Sitri!

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