Chapter 28: Vanguard Defense

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Hajime's Subconscious
3rd Person POV
There was darkness. Everywhere around this subconscious, it was all nothing but pure darkness.

Suddenly, a hand was slowly reaching out of that exact same darkness. And soon, following that hand was loud screaming. The screaming came from a familiar voice.

Soon, an upper body was now seen screaming, reaching and crawling out. That was the body of the one and true Hajime Akamizu.

Hajime screamed and emerged out of the darkness and fell down. He took a bunch of deep and heavy breaths and then looked up around him.

Hajime: What the...What the hell is this?!

???: It's the mind kid. It's been corrupted.

Hajime: Huh?

Hajime turned and found the demon inside him like a pact. Alastor himself, has been chained to the floor before him.

Hajime: Alastor?

Alastor: Heh...In the flesh.

Hajime looked down and saw he had chains, shackles on his wrists too.

Hajime: What the? What the hell is this?

Hajime tried to pry them off, but it was no use.

Alastor: I would stop trying there kid. Don't think I haven't tried. This corruption is quite strong. Probably cause you're a Rushifell descendant.

Hajime: Not really helping Alastor.

Alastor: Then how about we do something that is helpful?

Hajime: Eh?

Alastor: I can sense it boy. Something big is going to happen. I'll need to have you as ready as possible.

Alastor reached out to Hajime.

Alastor: Come here, I'll be transferring all of my power to you from now on.

Hajime: Wait what...?! But Alastor! I'm only at like, forty percent!

Alastor: If you're at forty, then all of it will be like no problem. Now quit the mongrel yammering and get on your knees and put your fucking hands out.

Hajime sighed and joined Alastor. He reached out to his mentor and together, they held hands and closed their eyes.

Hajime: Heh...You know something?

Alastor: What is it?

Hajime: This kinda reminds me of when we first met.

Alastor: Don't you love the nostalgia?

Tomio Rushifell stood before the few people he once called his friends. They seemed horrified from what they heard as Loki had Fenrir with them, along with Tomio's gang of ghouls, Spider.

Soon, the rest of Sona's peerage had arrived.

Soon, the rest of Sona's peerage had arrived

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