Chapter 9: Change

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Hyoudou Household
3rd Person POV
Asia: Issei....Issei....

The night had come. And it was after the Rating Game.

The Result: Riser Phenex defeated Rias Gremory via resignation.

Asia was seen treating Issei's injuries after their Rating Game defeat to Riser. Asia did her best to try to not let her tears fall to see the condition of the boy that saved her life for the better, even if it meant that she became a devil.

However, her private time alone was cut short, as a knock on the door could be heard.

Asia stopped her treatment with a little jump coming from her body. She turned to the door, not leaving Issei.

Asia: Oh. Come in!

The door opened. And to Asia's surprise, it was Hajime that came through it.

Asia: Hajime?

Hajime walked up to Asia with his hands in his pockets.

Hajime: Thought I'd stop by to see him after your Rating Game...I didn't get to see it, but Miss Sona told me good things. Miss Shinra said the opposite.

Hajime went up to Issei's bed where he was lying unconscious. Hajime placed his right hand on the bed.

Hajime: Damn. He's messed up pretty bad.

Asia began to tremble.

Asia: I know...if only...if only I could do more. Maybe I would've-

Hajime: Hey.

Hajime turned to Asia. He began to gently pat her on the head. She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes now.

Hajime: Don't push it on yourself because of the loss. Taking on someone with experience at this isn't as easy as you may think.

Asia didn't say anything back to Hajime. He sighed a bit and moved his arms outwards towards the blonde girl.

Hajime: Come here.

Hajime pulled Asia into an embrace. The two were just together like that. Her hands were at his chest, along with her face. Meanwhile, his hands were just at her back and the back of her head. After a little while, Hajime let go of Asia as she moved back, wiping her eyes.

Asia: Thank you Hajime. I needed something like that.

Hajime: Yeah. No problem....I mean...It's what friends are for right? To be there for each other at a time of need?

Asia only gave a slight smile and nod.

Asia: Yes!

The two friends had their moment. Soon, a blue magic circle appeared. Hajime and Asia turned to see Tsubaki arrive out of it.

Asia: Tsubaki?

Hajime: Vice President Shinra.

Tsubaki: Akamizu, Argento.

Tsubaki moved to Hajime, holding a large black bag in her hand. Hajime took a look, seemingly confused at the young woman.

Hajime: What is that?

Tsubaki: It's your formal attire. Sona asked me to have this sent to you for the engagement party.

Hajime: Formal? Wait...Are we all going?

Tsubaki shook her head.

Tsubaki: No. We all have to take care of things for the town and the school with Rias's household needing to attend to the engagement party of Rias and Riser. So we have to take a night shift.

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