Chapter 7: Envious Devils

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Hajime's Apartment
3rd Person POV
It was still in the morning, and Hajime could be seen sitting on his couch at the living room table of his apartment, facing both Sona and her older sister, Serafall Leviathan, one of the Four Devil Kings.

Hajime: So...Uhmmm...what exactly brings you here, Lady Leviathan?

Serafall: Well now, my dear little precious Sona here recently informed me of a report about you regarding to your sudden knowledge on Sacred Gears. From what Sona told me, she never described the situation or even the history of Sacred Gears to you!

Serafall looked at Hajime with a seemingly serious look on her face.

Serafall: So what's with that?

Hajime leaned back a bit.

Hajime: Oh...that?

Serafall nodded.

Serafall: From what Sona told me, you said that a certain friend of yours told you about Sacred Gears. So tell me this...who exactly is this friend of yours that knows about Sacred Gears?

Hajime was silent. He soon exhaled and looked down at the table.

Alastor: (Allow me to take over kid. I've been waiting to show my face to a Devil King for a while now.)

Hajime's Mind: (Are you being serious right now?)

Alastor: (Yes.)

Hajime closed his eyes and nodded.

Hajime's Mind: (Very well then.)

Hajime: Well...y-you see Lady Leviathan...

Serafall: Hm?

Hajime: This certain friend of mine is...inside me, in a know?

Sona: As in some sort of other personality? Or even a contract?

Hajime turned to Sona and nodded, giving her a thumbs up in assurance.

Hajime: Yes. Miss Sona. Like that.

Hajime turned to Serafall after answering Sona's question.

Hajime: I'll bring him out. But I'll guarantee this, he'll probably be the only one you'll talk to at that point.

Serafall: I can take those chances. I'm curious on who you have as this certain friend.

Hajime exhaled a little bit.

Hajime: Alright then. Here I go. Let me get him out.

Hajime sat up and closed his eyes. Slowly, Serafall and Sona took notice that his hair had turned from black to white.

Soon, Serafall and Sona heard a snicker escape Hajime's mouth.

When he opened his eyes again, they remained red, but his blank face, turned into some sort of grin. Perhaps even a smirk. Black marks appeared to have come across his face.

In that moment, all Sona and Serafall heard coming out were just snickers...laughs even from Hajime's mouth.

"Hajime": Hey...Don't go peeking at me for too long...

Don't go peeking at me for too long

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