Chapter 5: Whoops

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Hajime's Apartment
Hajime POV
This own room?

Hajime: Eh?

Looking at it now....It's a little too big of a bed in my opinion but I guess it'll work. It's better than the other beds I've ever slept on, if you'd even call them beds.

But apartments...I don't think would look like this.

Hajime: So...This is own place?

Sona: That's right Hajime.

Hajime:'s just so...amazing...I..I have no other words.

Sona: And it's just the bedroom you've seen so far.

Hajime: Yeah. I guess so.

I turned to see Sona, and I spotted her in her underwear. I think she saw that I took a peak. Which understands her somewhat maybe surprised look on her face. Her cheeks looked a little pink too. I looked away from her.

I'm not gonna be the kind of person who lies. But I was nervous that she'd probably smack me. But yet again...I think I want her to at the same time?

They were black, her bra and her...thong? I think it is? Either almost matched the color of her hair. She looked...amazing in my eyes.

Sona: Hajime?

Hajime: Ah! Yes Miss Shitori?

Sona: I know you saw.

Hajime: I'm sorry ma'am. You just...looked really beautiful to look at!

I didn't hear anything else, but a few seconds later maybe, I felt her hand touch my shoulder. And then...I felt something touch my cheek. It was soft, small and a little springy.

It went away, and I turned to see Sona backing away from my right. She was still in her underwear, but she had a certain smile to her face. She was...giggling?

Sona: Thank you, Hajime.

It took me a second to realize that she kissed me on the cheek. I put my own hand to my right cheek. My face felt warm, maybe even hot. She was still looking at me, waiting for an answer. I don't know how I can face her.

Is this what being a teenage boy is like?

Hajime: E-Errrmmm...Yeah. You're welcome, Sona.

Sona: Hm?

I stopped. Shit. I messed up for sure this time. Didn't I?

Sona: I haven't heard you call me that in a while.

I can't stop myself from being so nervous. I ended up looking away again. I didn't know how she was gonna react to me making such an idiotic mistake! Way to go Hajime! Way to fucking go!

Hajime: S-Sorry about that Mi-

I felt her hand on my shoulder again. Which in term, it applied me to look at her again.

Sona: No Hajime relax. I quite enjoyed it.

Hajime: Huh?

Wow.  She was really nonchalant about me calling her by her name.

Sona: I don't mind being called Sona. But just avoid saying it in the public. Students will most likely start having panic attacks if that happens.

Hajime: I guess that's fair. The students at school are somewhat overdramatic...But why aren't you concerned about me seeing you in nothing but your underwear?

Sona: Think of women wearing something such as a bikini, then consider their underwear. They reveal the same amount of skin. So there's no reason to really be embarrassed about being seen in your underwear. Yet again, at least not all in.

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