Chapter 31: The Beginning of the Tournament

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3rd Person POV
Shemhazai: This was disgraceful. This was team vary, the Khaos Brigade's attack squad! Goku, also known as Bikou, the Nekomata known as Kuroka, and a man that can wield Holy Sword Caliburn.

There was a meeting among the leaders of the new Three Factions Alliance. The Vice Governor General, Shemhazai, was seen constantly over and over scolding about the Khaos Brigade.

Shemhazai: Each would represent a sizable threat on his or her own, so a team of devils' ability to keep things in check is...

Azazel sighed and rolled his eyes without a care.

Azazel's Mind: (The scolding never stops when Shemhazai gets going...sheesh. But Issei achieving his Balance Breaker was a happy accident...Bet he enjoyed it.)

Azazel began snickering. This only caused Shemhazai to turn to him angrily, with his eyes shaded at him.

Shemhazai: What's so funny?

Azazel just ignored him and kept snickering.

???: Thinking of something clever perhaps?

Azazel stopped and saw Odin at the door.

Azazel: Odin...OOH! Long time no see, you old bumpkin from the North!

Odin: And here I find the bratty fallen angel I once knew, breaking bread with lifelong enemies?

Azazel: Hah...! Unlike you stale, old-fashioned Northern Gods, we try to be more flexible. Why try to keep up old rivalries when we could promote our own interests instead?

Odin grinned at Azazel.

Odin: Fitting words from weak, whipped dogs...Nothing more than a playdate between children who've lost their previous God and Devil Kings.

Sirzechs stood up and walked up to Odin in a highly friendly manner.

Sirzechs: Good to see you...Chief God of the North, Odin.

Odin: Sirzechs, I received your invitation to watch this game...But I hear you're having troubles too? With the old Lucifer Bloodline and the White Dragon Emperor, and now he's a terrorist...? The future of all devils hangs in the balance.

Serafall stood up to and went to Odin. She was wearing her magical girl outfit.

Serafall: As sharp-tongued as ever Odin.

Odin turned to Serafall.

Odin: Ohh, Serafall. What kind of costume is that?

Serafall: Oh, you don't know? I'm a magical girl!

Odin: Hmph...So this is what's popular with youngsters nowadays...?

Odin rubbed his beard with an intriguing smile on his face.

Odin: Not bad, I must say...Heh heh...Not bad at all.

The door slammed open now, revealing Odin's escort, Rossweisse. She had a stick in hand to swat at him.


Odin scoffed away at her.

Odin: So stuffy, that one. And exactly why she'll never make a proper warrior...This is my attendant.

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