Chapter 24: A Hybrid's Fears Have Come to Tread

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Akamizu Residence
Hajime POV
I woke up like any other morning. In my own bed.

I didn't feel anyone in bed with me, so I guess I slept alone tonight. I sat up and stretched my arms out. After a second of doing that, I yawned.

Hmm...I wonder how Alastor's doing.

Hajime's Mind: (Alastor? Can you hear me?)

No answer. Is he ignoring me?

Hajime's Mind: (Alastor? Yo! Alastor!)

Still nothing. Did I make him mad or something? Just why...why am I getting ignored?

Hajime's Mind: (Alastor?)

Nothing. Not a word or sound from my subconscious. It's nothing...just empty.

Not gonna lie right now, but not hearing Alastor is making me really...really scared.

I hope I can figure this out soon. I don't want the girls to be spending time being worried about me cause I can't contact him.

Small Timeskip
I was in the kitchen after getting dressed an all.

I looked down at my arm.

My dad's a fallen angel and my moms a descendant of a ghoul emperor. Just what kind of hybrid am I?

I've heard ghouls are flesh eating cannibals who drink coffee and have very tough skin.

I wonder...Am I resistant to blades too? Like a ghoul?

I soon grabbed a knife and aimed it at my arm. I felt a bit hesitant. But I have to test it.

Here it goes.

I tried to stab my own arm. But the knife just broke. Guess I inherited that gene. If that's the case, why did I get stabbed when I was betrayed by the yakuza?

???: Hajime!

I turned around and found Tomoe.

Hajime: Oh hey Tomoe.

Tomoe: Are you alright?!

Hajime: Yeah I'm fine. But the knife...not so much.


I could see her look at the broken blade.

Tomoe: It's okay. I'll clean it up.

I watched her grab the blade and then she took the handle from me and walked out.

I'm really grateful for her... but I should be more careful now too. I don't want her to be worried for me. I truly don't, not after everything she's been through.

Kuoh Academy
No...still nothing.

I still can't contact Alastor. The anxiety is killing me to the core. Well...not really. But not hearing him has been making me feel alone. All alone in my own thoughts.

I haven't really been alone since...that night.

The night where I brutally murdered an entire yakuza. The same one that stabbed me in the back.

Soon, I heard arguing. Guess I'm near the kendo club. Because of the recent peeping incidents and all, security cameras were added. We can look through our phones as members of the student council.

I should get there fast. So I ran over there.

Once I made it, I found Tsubasa there too. She was talking with Murayama, Katase, Issei and Motohama.

Where's Matsuda?

Hajime: Oi. What's going on?

3rd Person POV
The group turned to see Hajime making his way over.

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