Chapter 18: Leader's Summit

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Time Set: Early Season 1
Haruto POV
Bullshit...Such bullshit!


How could they let him do that to me?

Those monsters!

There's no way any of them are human!

Damn you...

Damn it all!

Damn you Sona Shitori!


???: Looks like you had a rough day, kid.

Haruto: Huh?

I looked up, and I saw a very tall man with dark red hair.

Haruto: Yeah?

???: It seems that an associate of mine has gotten out of control. Looks like I should pull the switch.

The man reached out to me. I don't know why, but he felt so warming to come to.

???: Tell me, wanna get revenge on those who wronged you? just feels right.

It's so enticing!

Guess it's the best solution.

Haruto: Yes.

I think I heard the man snicker.

???: Good, you'll make a fine vessel boy.

Haruto: Who are you?

The man looked at me with a grin on his face.

The man looked at me with a grin on his face

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???: Merihem.

Current Time: Leader's Summit
Student Council Office
3rd Person POV
The Household of Sona Sitri all sat in the student council, waiting for the time to be called. At least for Sona, Tsubaki and Hajime, who are all to be attending the Leader's Summit. However, Saji did not seem to be too happy.

Saji: Man! This sucks!

Momo: Hm?

Tsubasa: What's wrong Saji?

Saji: It's just...this whole thing! This Summit of Leaders coming to talk?! What is this?! And why does Akamizu get to go?!

Tsubaki: Saji, may I remind you that he's also a host of one of the most feared demons to exist. Right?

Saji just groaned and sighed.

Tomoe: Can I also mention that Hajime also has the coolest place to be at after school?

Ruruko: I's alright. I guess.

Tomoe: Nah! That place is the best! Right Reya?!

Reya: I mean, I can agree on that. Hajime does have a very nice apartment to hang out in.

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