Chapter 13: Power Boosting for a Great Threat

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The exorcists and devils teamed up for the night. Kiba, Issei, Saji, Koneko and Hajime all put on certain disguises to hide their true identities.

Hajime: I don't get why we have to wear a disguise, but I'll take it, whatever.

Koneko: Probably the best thing to do to be honest.

The group began to come to their plan to split up, but before they began, Xenovia stopped and gave Issei some information.

Xenovia: Before we go, I should let you know that the White Dragon has awakened.

Issei gasped in a sense of shock and fear to Xenovia's announcement. But Hajime took immediate notice of it.

Hajime's Mind: (Guess I'm not the only one with a sense of needing to have more power.)

Alastor: (Luckily for you boy, things are arrangable.)

Small Timeskip
The devil team continued to walk, but Issei seemed uneasy.

Koneko: You alright Issei?

Issei: Hm? Yeah I'm fine. Just trying to figure out where to go.

Kiba: I may have an idea where to go next.

Saji: Hm?

Saji turned to see Hajime looking around.

Saji: Akamizu? Everything alright?

Hajime: Hm?

Hajime turned around and nodded.

Hajime: Yeah, just keeping our backs covered.

Issei: Well, that's nice and all man. But maybe a little too much. Don't you think? But I still really appreciate it man.

Hajime: Yeah. Sure, no problem.

The group soon discussed the place Kiba has in mind and went to that location. Meanwhile, Hajime kept his thought to himself.

Hajime's Mind: (I don't know if they feel it or not...but I do...It feels like we're being followed.)

Abandoned Area
At an abandoned building, the devil team spotted, Issei took instant notice of it.

Issei: Hey! Isn't this the place where we defeated that stray devil, Viser?

Saji: You got to fight a stray devil?

Hajime: You haven't?


Issei: Guys enough. But yeah. We fought one. It was like she wasn't even a devil at all. It was like something wicked.

Kiba was about to enter in, but was stopped by Koneko.

Koneko: Wait. Somethings wrong. Look up!

Suddenly, a crazed man with white hair began to laugh with a sword in hand. Kiba instantly created a sword and blocked the attack. The man leaped back and kneeled in the roof.

???: I forgot to thank you earlier!

Saji: That's the stray priest? Freed Sellzen?

Hajime: Damn. He looks like a monkey. A prude, disgusting little monkey.

Issei: You psychotic bastard!

Freed: Oh hi! If it isn't the little midget and friends!

Koneko narrowed her eyes at the man. Freed began to talk proudly of hunting priest and gave a complain about finding devils in costumes. He licked the sword he hand in hand.

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