Chapter 11: The Second Prince of Kuoh

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It's here everyone!

Welcome to Season 2!

Let's get the show on the road!


Sona POV
I...I can't see anything.

It's just pure black. All of it. There's just nothing to be in any sight at all whatsoever.


Huh? What the? Wait. Who's voice is that? Who is calling me by my name?

Sona: Who's there?


Wait. Hold on just a minute. That voice again. The more I hear it, the more I find out that it actually sounds more...familiar to me...


Hearing it again, I know for sure that there not doubt about it now. It's definitely of a boy or even a man I'd say.

It sounds like...




That last time I heard him say my name, everything was getting brighter. I could see the colors.

Sona: Hajime? Hajime?!

As soon I I looked around...I found him.

Unfortunately for me, he looked like nothing I was expecting to see at this time.

Sona: HajimeeeeaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Sona: HajimeeeeaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

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Hajime: Sona...

Sona's Bedroom
3rd Person POV
Sona: AH!!!!

Sona woke up, jerking herself up from her own slumber. She was heaving, gasping somewhat heavily. Her eyes were wide and her face was bright red from what she saw. least what she thinks she just saw.

Eventually for her sake, Sona began to calm down. She closed her eyes and held her head with her hands holding the sides of it.

Sona: What a...What a crazy dream that was.

Sona's breathing was now finally at a calming rate for her. She let go of her head and set her hands down on the mattress. Her face was still a blushing red color from the picture in her head.

Sona: I mean...I wouldn't mind seeing it. But...It was just so...unexpected.

Sona exhaled and soon looked at her clock. She soon widened her eyes.

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