Normal Day

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You know those type of days where everything seems normal sort of like the little children in the park or people driving to work. It just all seems normal, except that feeling in your stomach where you just feel like something isn't going to go right like maybe tripping on your way up the stairs or accidentally farting in class when you think it's loud, but in reality it's not. That was how I felt today.
It was a month away to summer break which meant I was out of grade 11, and into grade 12. Honestly I couldn't be happier. The name is Brooklyn. Brooklyn Mathews, I am 16 soon to be 17. I was named after the city Brooklyn, New York. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, so he loved the name so much that he named me after it. My hometown is Toronto, Ontario. It's fairly large but nothing too big for me to handle. I was on my way to school; East York High School. But first I had to deal with my family.
"Brooklyn Rose Mathews! Get your butt down here and eat your breakfast before your late for school." My mom called out. Now you know my middle name. Great. I loved school except I wasn't very smart or actually liked the schooling. I enjoyed mostly the socializing and even then I don't enjoy it.
"Good morning." I said smiling slightly as I sat down at my table in front of my plate of bacon, eggs, French toast and a glass of orange juice. I have 5 siblings. 4 of them are older than me and the one is younger. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. I never see my older brother and my 2 older sisters because they are so much older than me but oh well more food for me.
"Brooklyn you want a ride to school I don't have to work and I have nothing better to do." My older sister said. She was my favourite sibling. Her name was Emily. She was only 3 years older than me and we got along pretty good. I looked at the clock which said 8:25am. I stood up taking my glass of orange juice finishing it off before grabbing my bagged lunch and stuffed it in my sports bag I always brought to school.
"Nope I'm good. Just gonna walk. Bye I love you." I said as I kissed my dad and mom on the cheek and patting my little brother on the head before leaving. I walked down my front porch steps admiring my neighbourhood. It was a nice day out, the sun was shining but I still felt like something bad was going to happen. I got to the end of my driveway where I was met by my best friend Alayna Kelly. I met her in the beginning of grade 9 and ever since then we just were best friends. She lived two doors down from me which was nice.
"Hello!" She cheered as we hugged walking towards the way to school. I smiled as we walked meeting up with another friend of ours Owen Edwards. He was another one of my best friend, he always knew how to lighten the mood. He was sort of like me, never really cared much but when it came to our little group of friends he cared a lot.
"Heyo!" He said as he walked beside us. We didn't live far from school just a few blocks which wasn't bad. Owen and I met when we were 3. We have known each other for almost 14 years and nothing has changed between us. Owen and Alayna met at my 14th birthday party in grade 9 and that was how our little group started. Owen lived literally at the corner of the street Alayna and I lived on. We could see our school from where we were at Owen's place that's how close we were. "Who is excited for the math test today we have first period?" Owen said faking excitement as we walked up the steps through the doors of East York. I was not excited since I wasn't smart and my teacher Mr. Harrison, he liked me on occasion he knew what I was capable of, but he hated me sometimes, since I never paid attention when he talked. He was my favourite teacher, he always knew I had potential. He also dated my one sister for like 4 years but ended after she left him. I always thought he would hate me but instead he gave me more attention because of it. I have always liked him. He was one of her best boyfriends. He was the only teacher to ever get me to try hard in anything. Which I never did anyway, but he wasn't a bad teacher I just hated the subject he taught.

Alayna and I had lockers side by side, while Owen was right across from us.
"Mr.Harrison isn't going to be very nice today since we are reviewing a bit and then doing our math test." Alayna said as I grabbed my books.
"Whatever he knows I can't do math. If he really likes me he won't call me up to do a practice question." I said as the bell rang signalling us to go to class.
"Yay math class." Alayna and I said unenthusiastically as we slammed our lockers shut, slowly walking to class. Owen and I sat together while Alayna sat with our other best friend who wasn't here yet, but that was normal for him. We sat at the back of the room. We didn't like math class very much. We also didn't want to get called on. The last bell rang which was when our best friend Damian Jacobs came running into the classroom sitting beside Alayna.
"Why are you always late?" I whispered over to him. He was out of breath.
"My mom always decides 5 minutes is 20 minutes. I need a new locker too. I hate who I am beside." He groaned as he placed his books on the desk. We just laughed and smiled shaking our heads. Our teacher took attendance of course saying my name with such hate and then he began to learn. I hated math I would always look out the window and day dream. I still couldn't help but get this feeling of things not going right out of my system. I was daydreaming about absolutely everything and anything except math.
"Miss Mathews, would you like to answer this problem on the board?" The teacher said smirking at me knowing I was daydreaming. Everyone turned to stare at me causing my face to burn red. Owen, Alayna and Damian all began to snicker as I stood up to go to the board. I looked at the problem on the board. Fuck. I don't know this shit. I hated triangles. Why do I need to know triangles. I will never need it in my life. I took a deep breath grabbing the marker in my hand gripping it right. I turned around to see my teacher motioning me on. I looked to the back to see my friends giving me thumbs up signs and laughing. I shook my head and placed the marker on the board that was until we heard sirens.
"This is not a drill. This is a real lock down. Please lock your doors and aghhh.." The announcements said. Our teacher panicked a bit as he ran over to the door, he looked out the door turning in wide eyed before locking it quickly. Everyone was confused.
"Everyone stay away from the windows. I will lock them and cover them. Just stay put." He said as we heard the fear in his voice. He rested his hand on my shoulder motioning me back to my desk as he covered the windows and locked them. He sat down at his desk as everyone fell silent.
"What is going on, Mr. Harrison?" Callie Reynolds a friend of mine said as she raised her hand trying to get his attention. He was biting his finger nails and he looked startled when she raised her hand.
"Just-uh-just stay quiet." He said stuttering and unsure. That feeling in my stomach was totally right. My nerves were standing on edge. The hairs were standing on the back of my neck. I stood up and walked to the window looking slightly under the curtains as I seen fires being started outside. "What the hell is going on?" I asked my self.
"Brooklyn, get away from the windows. Please." Mr. Harrison said panicking as he rushed over to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder again making sure I was listening. I nodded before we heard blood hurdling screams coming from the hallways causing Mr. Harrison to jump. I was scared.
"What the hell is going on Mr. Harrison?"

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