Lets do this!

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We slowly made our way down the hallway towards the stairs. Just as we were about to turn the corner a zombie was at the beginning of the stair case eating something. We all backed against the wall.
"What do we do?" Alayna whispered as I peered over again to see it still eating.
"We need a distraction." Owen said as he looked around to see a few books on the ground by us. He grabbed it and threw it on the other side of the hall. I watched as the zombie screeched running towards the noise. I sighed in relief as I slowly kept walking towards the stair case. I was looking forward while Owen was looking at the other direction the zombie was at.
"Okay we need to hurry since that zombie is following us right now." Owen said panicking a bit. I stopped and stared at this zombie that was running towards us. Shit.
"Run! Now!" I said quickly as we bolted towards the stairs.
"We can't just run from him. We need to kill him." Peter said as Alayna stopped and did some sort of backflip off the wall stabbing the leg of the desk into the zombies skull. She pulled it out wiping it on the poster that was on the wall. I stared in disbelief.
"What?" She said as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Nothing I just am impressed." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder as she smiled. We continued walking down the stairs.
"How did you learn how to do that?" Owen asked Alayna. Alayna smiled.
"Cheerleading." She said proud. I smiled and shook my head. I stopped at the end of the stair case making everyone bump into me.
"What are we doing?" Alayna asked. I pointed to the couple zombies at the end of the hall.
"Just stay quiet when going down the next stair case." I whispered as we slowly turned down to go down the next stair case but also watching the zombies at the hall. I quickly ran back up the stairs.
"What are you doing? We need to go down." Owen said as I placed my hand over his mouth. I pointed down as we looked over the railing to see a few zombies eating something again. We quickly ran back up the stair case to the one we were on before.
"What do we do? If we kill the ones at the end of the hall, the ones at the stair case will come, if we kill the ones at stair case, the other ones will come. We also don't know how much zombies are on this floor." Owen said as I sat on the stair case. I was thinking. I looked on the window sill to see a roll of duct tape. I smiled as I grabbed it. I have it to Owen. I bent down so I could see through the doors.
"I need you to throw this through the door and over to the side, as far as you can. As soon as he throws is we need to make sure we stay quiet and are hidden in some way." I said as he nodded his head bending down.
"I can do this. It's like hunting but it's not." He whispered to himself. We sat there watching him as he finally through the tape through the door making a crash as we watched the zombies from the stair case and the hallway run after it. We smiled and silently cheered as we made our way downstairs. This was the main area where the office was and the gym. The cafeteria was on the last floor.

We heard screaming come from the office before we even reached the other stair case. We all stopped peering around the corner seeing only a few zombies on either side. Right ahead of us was the only source of light and that was the office. It was sort of octagon-ish shaped and had like four offices in it. I looked closely at the office to see our principle Mrs. Marshall trapped in her office being attacked by a zombie through the door. The front doors of the schools seemed clear and we needed another plan.
"Come on Brooklyn." Peter said as everyone began to walk down the stairs.
"We can't just leave her there. I mean what if that was us. You would want to get rescued too." I said as I looked at Alayna and Owen since they knew how I was. They sighed as they walked back up.
"Okay then what do we do?" Owen asked as we looked around.
"We need to be quiet and go one by one towards the office." I said as I placed the weapon in my hands and walked forward just to be pulled back.
"What do you think your doing?" Alayna asked.
"I'm going first." I said as I shook off her hand. I turned to look at them before giving them a slight nod and taking a cautious step forward. I tip toed towards the office placing my back against the office walls before motioning someone to come. Peter came first as as slowly made his way cautiously forward. I gave him a fist bump before motioning someone else. Alayna came slowly towards us taking a drop breath before we motioned Owen over. He came quickly but cautiously over.
"Okay now what? We still have that zombie inside." Alayna whispered as I lifted up a bit to look through the window. I sat back down.
"Give me your weapon." I whispered as she gave me her weapon. "This is what I get for taking music class." I whispered more to myself. I gently place the end of the weapon on the door frame before I gently tapped it. The zombie in the office moved towards the sound slowly walking out of the office. I motioned for Owen to stab it in the end once it came out. The zombie made a clear view to Owen before he stabbed him in the head making sure he was dead before we moved into the office. I was the first one in as I appeared through the door way of the office. Our principal began to panic.
"Hey Mrs. Marshall. It's Brooklyn Mathews." I whispered as I unlocked her door. She hugged each of us incredibly tight.
"Where are we going?" She asked as we all hushed her to keep her voice down.
"Going to the cafe to get food and water." Peter explained as we slowly walked out of the office and over the dead body. One of our cellphones went off causing the zombies from either end of our hallway to run towards us.
"Fuck! Downstairs! Go!" Owen yelled as we quickly ran towards the stairs with our principal. She was wearing heels causing her to trip the last few stairs. The zombies followed us as there were too many for us to kill. They attacked Mrs. Marshall as we hid a bit watching her die on the first stair case. We kept walking down the stairs before we hid into a room.
"I can't believe we just let her die." Alayna said as we held onto each other.
"I know. But I mean what else could we do. There were too many for us to kill." I said as I took a deep breath walking into the cafeteria.

There weren't any zombies here which made us kind of happy.
"Okay so let's grab a few boxes and just pile as much stuff as we can in them and then try and tape them shut." Peter said as we inches towards the counters where the food is served. We each grabbed a box and opened up cupboards trying to grab as much food as we could.
"Wait, who's grabbing drinks?" I asked as we all turned around.
"I guess Peter and I will grab drinks." Alayna said as her and Peter move back more towards the fridge. We all began to pack as much stuff as we could that was until I heard grunting. I tilted to the right to see a cafeteria lady walking/limping towards us.
"Guys. We have a situation." I whispered as I backed up to stand up straight again.
"What do you mean by situation?" Owen asked as they all turned around.
"It's lunch lady Dorothy." I whispered as she moved closer we all dropped to the ground.
"What do we do?" Alayna mouthed as we laid on our stomachs. I turned on my back quickly and quietly. I looked around to see knives by my head. I smiled and stood up quickly as the zombie turned and screeched towards me. It was difficult since our lunch lady was fat and could barely fit through the counter. I grabbed the knife and through it straight through her skull. She fell instantly. I smiled at how impressive I was. I grabbed a small box and placed it on top of mine but this time it was filled with knives.
"That was awesome." Alayna cheered as we all taped up our boxes and slowly walked out of the cafeteria.
"Have we even tried the elevator?" Owen asked as we were about to walk up the stairs. "It would save us less time and probably less zombies to distract." I looked at Alayna and Peter shrugging my shoulders.
"Sure lets try." I said as we all moved to the elevator. Just to our surprise the elevator doors opened and we were surprised it worked but yet again not since there was blood surrounding the elevator.
"I do not want to know who's blood it is." Alayna said in disgust as we hoped in the elevator waiting for it to take us up.
"Yeah well I know you didn't want to know Alayna but you may want to..." I said as I grabbed a bracelet from the pile of blood on the floor. It read 'Timothy Aimes.' Alayna's crush.
"Oh no! Not Timothy!!!" She said kneeling down and grabbing the bracelet. "Why Timothy?" She cried as I rubbed her back unsure on what to say. I looked at the numbers as I helped Alayna up.
"Prepare to defend your selves in case there are zombies up there." I said as I grabbed my two boxes and the two boys grabbed their weapons holding it up as the doors opened. There weren't any zombies...yet.
"The zombies heard the ding from the elevator they are coming up the stairs. Run! Now!" Peter said as we all quickly ran to the door. I did my little beat on the door. Damian opened the door as we shoved our way in as the zombies were just clawing at the door. We locked the door as we all relaxed.
"We brought food!" Alayna said as she smiled setting the box down on the desk.
"We got drinks!" Owen said as they sat down out of breath. Everyone was so happy they began to cheer. We grabbed a pen and open the boxes. I grabbed the box of knives hiding them in one of the drawers of Mr. Harrison's desk. I looked around to not see him.
"Where is Mr. Harrison?"

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