Its Not Time To Say Good Bye

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The platform fell from underneath us as Owen fell through. I jumped forward hitting my hip on the ground as I tried holding him up. He dangled above a shit load of zombies that stopped running after us now trying to get Owen. Mr. Harrison and Emily were still behind me shooting the zombies that decided to keep chasing us.
"Brooklyn! Owen!" Alayna said as she was on the other side of the platform with Jack, Shawn and the dog. The dog kept barking as he looked like he was debating to jump over or not. Mr. Harrison and Emily both turned around horror filling their faces. They both looked as if they wanted to stop shooting to come help me. I looked over at them as they looked completely scared as I cried holding on tight to Owen. Owen was still dangling, loosing his grip every now and then on my arm as he would latch onto it again tighter.
"I can't hold on much longer!" Owen said as I felt his grip slowly slip.
"HELP ME!!" I screamed as I couldn't hold on much longer either. I looked at Alayna as she tried reaching over to help me, but the platform under her slowly crumbled to the ground making her move back. I felt Owen's grip slip completely as I still had his one hand gripped tight. I was slowly loosing balance trying to hold him up. He fell into the pile of zombies as I came falling after him. I fell on top of him as I waited for the zombies to get us. I was accepting death even though I should be fighting, but there was no use, there were too many for me to fight off by myself. I thought they would bite us, but nothing happened. The zombies were so stupid they kept bumping into each other trying to get to us.
"OWEN! BROOKLYN!" I heard as I stopped hearing gun shots but I still heard barking. I heard the dog bark and then the barking stopped. I felt a scratch on the back side of my hip as I screamed out in pain. The zombies were disappearing one by one because of the dog and than everyone as they rushed down to save us. I fell unconscious as well as Owen since he was knocked out from the fall. The last thing I heard was the sound of gun shots being fired and the sound of tearing flesh.
---"Come on. Please wake up." I heard which sounded like Mr. Harrison.
"Stay away from her. She could be infected." I heard another voice which sounded like Emily who still sounded as scared and worried as Mr. Harrison did. I slowly opened my eyes as I looked up to be met by a gun being aimed at my head. Alayna was gripping the gun as she was shaking just holding it.
"Are you infected?" She asked as she pushed the gun a bit forward towards me. I moved a bit as I placed my hand on the scratch and the wound I got on my hip.
"What kind of stupid question is that? Does she look infected to you?" Mr. Harrison said as he pushed the gun away hugging me tight as I winced in pain where his hand was. He lifted his hands away from the wound so he could still hug me but not hurt me.
"We thought you were infected. Sorry." Alayna said smiling apologetically. I nodded my head just as I remembered
"Owen. Where's Owen? Is he okay?" I said getting up slowly and in pain but surely.
"He's fine well hopefully he isn't infected, but we didn't know for sure." Jack said as he helped me walk to the room where they were keeping Owen. I seen him lying on the floor as I rushed over to him. I gripped his shirt.
"Owen wake up! Please." I said as I cried into his shirt. I didn't notice he was awake until he moved slightly.
"I'm...fine." He breathed as I loosened my grip as I hugged him tight. I sighed in relief.
"Did you get bite or scratched?" I asked him as tears fell down my face.
"No. I probably would have died if you didn't fall after me." He said as he held my hand. "So thank you." He smiled at me. I smiled down as I felt pain ache through my body.

"You need rest." Mr. Harrison said as he helped me up. "You both do." He said as he got me up and in another room.
"We might as well just stay here another night." Jack said as we all just relaxed. Emily sighed as she rested Owen down in the same room beside me. Mr. Harrison and Alayna began to make a fire to warm us up.
"I really hope by the time we get to New York that the safe zone will still be there." Emily said as they got the spark going and the flame appeared. I sat up as Mr. Harrison sat beside me wrapping his arm around me. Alayna walked over to Owen sitting behind him so he could use her as a pillow. Shawn leaned on the dog as they sat close to Mr. Harrison and I. Emily and Jack sat opposite of Mr. Harrison and I. We all seemed to be getting much closer as a group.
"What do we do if its not there?" Alayna asked as she looked around at everyone. I was petting the dog not realizing everyone was looking at me. I finally looked up seeing everyone's eyes on me.
"What? Why do you keep looking at me when you need answers?" I asked looking at everyone. I even looked down at the dog who was looking at me.
"You are a smart kid, you have potential which I knew you always had. You make good plans and your answers are always the best. So give us ideas." Mr. Harrison said trying to convince me to answer the question. I sighed throwing my hands in the air as I gave into the stares.
"Okay well for starters Owen needs to find a way to figure out if it really is there. If it is we will go there and get there as fast as we can. If it's not then I guess we just need to keep driving and maybe find a place to go until then we just keep traveling." I said giving them hopefully the answer they wanted to hear. I looked at everyone who nodded their heads in agreement. Owen quickly grabbed his phone doing whatever he does on it to find his way. I never really noticed how different we really were.

There is something you need to about this group of mine. We are all different but the qualities we have help us out in this situation. Owen, he is sort of a nerd. He wants to be a doctor but if he had it his way he would be a professional hacker. He knows everything about computers. Alayna well she's the cheerleader but she is also the secret sass master (which isn't much of a secret) she is also a gamer behind closed doors so this whole zombie apocalypse thing is just her putting her gaming skills to the test. Emily, she is a very smart girl, she wanted to be a lawyer, she is very good at manipulation but she also loved shooting guns. It was her hobby. Jack? He was very tough, the boy who fights a lot in school the guy your parents warn you about. He is sweet in secret. As for me well like I said before this hell started, I am not smart like my sister or Owen, I prefer to go with the flow. I don't care about anything other than my friends and family. I'm a musician and I like cars. Those are my hobbies. So I guess the reason why I'm telling you this is to show you even though we are normal teenagers..I think we can survive this zombie apocalypse if we work together.

We heard something shatter in another room. Everyone got up quickly gripping their guns. I kicked sand in the fire making it die out. I placed my finger on my lips hushing everyone. I looked out of the door way seeing flash lights and hearing footsteps.
"It looks like we have company."

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