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"What do you mean they left before the fire started?" I asked as I gave the little boy to Mr. Harrison. We walked out to the car to see it wasn't there. We were beyond pissed.
"I mean that they started the fire. Those people didn't want to protect us. They seen how long we could survive so they started the fire." Alayna explained as we looked for a car. We wondered outside around the burning house trying to find something that we could all drive in, but there was nothing in sight.
"They also fucking stole our guns, our fucking car and our fucking food." Jack said more pissed. I was a bit behind the burning house when I heard branches cracking. I squinted leaning forward before I seen a disfigured shape walking towards me groaning. I backed away running towards the others.
"Brooklyn what's wrong?" Damian asked as they all turned to look at me.
"Run! Now! Fuck just go!" I said as everyone began to run onto the road.
"What do you expect us to do? We dot have a car? Or guns? Or food? We can't keep running." Mr. Harrison said as he turned to look at me. He put the boy on his back as he ran forward.
"Stop saying we have no more guns. I stole the duffle bag out of the car before the fire started. Why do you think I woke you all up before the fire was worse than it was? I was up and watched them. I even tried to stop them stealing the car but for old people they are good fighters." Emily said as she had the duffle bag on her back. How in the world did we not notice that? We stopped running as she set the bag down. Everyone grabbed a gun instantly shooting at everything that move in its way. Mr. Harrison dropped the little boy down behind the bag as he curled up beside it scared out of his mind. I turned to make sure this kid was okay.
I seen a truck. I walked towards the car handing the little boy my gun to put in the bag as I took him with me to the truck. When we arrived at the truck there weren't any keys.
"Listen Shawn, I need you to be my lookout. Make sure there aren't any zombies coming to us okay?" I said sweetly as he nodded his head looking through the windows. I began to try and hot wire the truck. I almost got it running when Shawn patted my head pointing out the one window. "Fuck." I whispered as I kept trying still getting nothing. I finally got it to work just as the zombie reached the truck. "Not today bitch." I said as the truck completely started and I drove towards the others. I rammed into the few zombies they were shooting. I opened each door as everyone stopped shooting. "Need a lift?" I smirked as Emily and Mr. Harrison hopped in the front seat while everyone else climbed into the open end of the truck. Mr. Harrison gave me a look which to me said 'thank you' but it also said 'are you stupid?' Either way everyone was safe.

"Thank you so much for the lift." Alayna said as she opened the window a bit to place her hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head as everyone was out of breath. I looked down at Shawn who was still shaking. I held onto him tight trying to calm him down. Emily rested her hand on mine. I looked at her and she stared back. She didn't want to let my hand go sort of as if she was afraid. For Emily that was new. She was never afraid. Even as kids she wasn't afraid of anything. Big rides, clowns or even bugs. Nothing could scare her until today. I seen a light in her eye that I have never seen before. She looked confused and scared. I looked at her as she just held my hand. She soon looked away from me still her hand not leaving mine. I looked over at Mr. Harrison who was driving as he looked just as scared as Emily did. He soon looked away from me as well. I was unsure on what to do so I looked in the back to see everyone was siting in complete silence probably trying to get comfortable with the breeze blowing on them.
"Hey you okay?" Mr. Harrison asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little over tired." I said as he smiled grabbed my hand holding it tight.
"I will keep you safe. Nothing will hurt you. I promise." He said as he brought my hand up to his lips pressing his dry lips to the back of it. "I promise." He whispered again before setting my hand down. I sighed knowing that the sun wasn't coming up soon. I looked down at Shawn who was know leaning towards me as his eyes shut tired and probably scared. I smiled slightly as I wanted to sleep too. I leaned my head on Mr. Harrison's shoulder. "Go to sleep" was the last thing I heard him whisper before I fell asleep.

The last thing I remember as a kid was when I was about 8 years old and I was just running playing with bubbles. I had the long bubble wand that I used to always use as a princess wand or a fairy wand. Every time the bubbles came out I would be making some sort of spell on the person I would be playing with or in some cases my imaginary friend. I was amused by how big the bubbles appeared. The one was so huge I was so caught up in admiring it that I didn't even notice the person standing in front of me. "Hello stranger." I said in a little girl voice. They just limped forward not saying anything. As a kid you don't judge someone based on their looks you just ignore it. This guy was so pale he looked like a ghost. He just grunted in response. "Hello there." I said again waving as he twitched grunting some more. He slowly inched forward leaning down to my level earning me to scream.
*Dream over*

---I jumped up scared gripping onto Mr. Harrison's arm. I haven't had a nightmare since I was like 10. I was beyond scared.
"Everything okay?" Mr. Harrison asked as he noticed how hard I was gripping his arm. I stretched before rubbing his arm where I noticed I left marks.
"Just a scary dream that's all. Sorry for the marks." I said pointing to the marks on his arms. He just shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh well. What was your dream about?" He asked as I looked over at Emily and Shawn who were passed out and everyone in the back asleep except Owen who was on his phone doing god knows what.
"Just about this whole zombie apocalypse thing. It was weird. It started out all good but as soon as something good is about to happen to me it goes to shit. Kind of like what happens in real life. Just as something good is about to happen something bad happens to just tear me down." I said as I got upset, angry and tense. Mr. Harrison wrapped his one arm around me pulling me close.
"It's okay. Things will get better when we reach New York. I promise." He said as he tried to make me feel better. Lately he has been promising me a lot..I think it's time he stops making promises we all know he can't keep.

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