Stepping In

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I opened my eyes to be met by Alayna who had a big smile and her eyes sparkled.
"So guess what?!" She said sounding excited as I slowly came back from my sleep. I looked around to see no one else in the car and we were just outside New York. We stopped at a gas station.
"Good morning to you to." I said smiling as I sat up stretching. Usually I wake up when everyone else down it was a little unusual that I would sleep later than everyone else. I looked at Alayna who kept smiling wide meaning I had to ask what was up. "Okay what's causing that?" I said as I motioned to her face that her smile was so big I swear she was frozen like that.
"I'm dating Austin!!" She said more as squeal. My jaw dropped as I was a little shocked. But I smiled anyway.
"That's incredible! Congratulations!" I said smiling at her as she got out of the car followed by me. I squinted my eyes as the sun was bright and hot.
"I know it's really humid. But good news we are almost to New York." She said smiling as we walked into the gas station. I yawned as I looked around at everyone scattered around the store stealing whatever they wanted.
"Good morning sweetie." Auntie CJ said smiling at me as she hugged me. Even in a zombie apocalypse she is still happy. I smiled back at her as I walked through the store. A few minutes of looking around and gassing up we were all set to leave.
"I want a zebra cake." Jack said as everyone stopped to stare at him as we were walking out of the gas station. We all exchange looks with each other and than back at him.
"Why do you want a zebra cake?" Emily asked him as we packed everything up in the car.
"Because the last time I had one was when I was 7 years old. I want a zebra cake one last time." Jack explained as I looked at Auntie CJ who I could tell was going to give in.
"We are not going to go around to every store just to find you a zebra cake." Cody said as we all got into the car one by one.
"What if it was you that wanted something for the last time?" Jack called out as everyone stopped again to look at him. I looked at Mr. Harrison who looked back at me. I sighed as I knew Auntie CJ would give in any minute now. "See exactly. Why can't I get one thing? One thing? Brooklyn got Mr. Harrison that's what she wanted, Alayna got Austin that's what she wanted. I want a zebra cake and that is all I want. One last time." Jack said trying to convince us. I turned around to face him as I watched Auntie CJ move from the back of the car to where Jack was standing. She placed her arm on his shoulder.
"Okay we will go find you a zebra cake but that is the last time we are stopping until the safe zone." Auntie CJ said as everyone groaned in disbelief that she actually went along with it. I smiled wide as I knew she was going to. She came walking over to me as she passed to go to the drivers side. "You knew didn't you?" She said smirking at me. I got into the car followed by her.
"I knew." I said smiling at her. She started the car. "You can't help yourself can you?" I said as she smiled shaking her head.
"I have to let kids get what they want." She said as I knew it was true. All her life she tried giving every kid in her life even if they weren't hers what they wanted. She tried to get me a pony once but instead of getting me my own pony I got to ride one because of her.
"Are we actually going to find a zebra cake for him?" Nick asked as he leaned over the seat pointing to Jack. Auntie CJ nodded her head.
"Yes as a matter of fact we are." She said as I just smiled leaning in my seat. I looked out the window watching the buildings and the trees that we passed.

We reached a super store just on the outskirts of the town we were leaving.
"Okay now stick together. We don't need anybody else getting hurt." Auntie CJ said as she turned around to look at everyone.
"How about instead of sticking together as a group we separate but in small groups? We cover more ground that way." I suggested as auntie CJ nodded her head.
"That's a better plan." She said as everyone smiled slightly getting out of the car. We each had guns as we walked through the parking lot. Auntie CJ made sure to lock the car so no one could steal it. Well we were hoping anyway. In the parking lot there were families that had children, some were horrified of everything that moved. There were people everywhere scrambling for food and accessories to survive. It was literally a jungle. I gripped Mr. Harrison's arm as we walked which made Shawn grab my hand holding it tight. I wanted to help everyone who was left on the streets, but I mean if they have survived this long then they must be doing something right. I just felt really bad and Mr. Harrison knew that so did everyone else around me. I'm pretty sure they felt it too. We walked through to doors as Alayna, Shawn, King and I went one way. Mr. Harrison and Auntie CJ were together. Owen and Cody were paired up. Emily and Nick were together while Austin and Jack were together. I gripped my gun making sure that if anything were to come at us I was ready since I didn't know what would be happening in this super store. I knew Shawn was behind me and King was attached to him and right now they were all I was worried about.
"So your okay with me dating your cousin?" Alayna asked more as a whisper. I nodded my head.
"Yeah for sure. I mean I know Austin better than anybody else you have dated. He's totally going to try hard for your relationship." I said smiling as we walked down the one isle. I was searching not only for the zebra cakes but I was just looking for anything I felt like eating.
"Okay well I really like him I don't know why but he's different." She said trailing off a bit as we heard people screaming at each other a few isles down. I kept on talking to Alayna as we made our way to the isle the yelling was in.
"Well that's good. You two are perfect for each other." I said as I was now more focused on the yelling. We reached the one isle where Cody, Jack, Owen and Austin were on the opposite side of the isle from where Alayna, Shawn, King, Auntie CJ, Emily, Mr. Harrison, Nick and I were standing on the other side of the isle watching as about three men fought in the middle. Two of them had guns as they all fought. I stepped forward once before I was pulled back by Mr. Harrison's DM Auntie CJ.
"Don't be stupid. Don't be brave." They both whispered to me as I looked at the two of them and then at the men fighting in the isle. Fuck. I stepped back to where I was before trying to not be stupid. I noticed Cody took a step forward before he hesitated but walked forward anyway.
"Hey hold on a second. Can we just calm down?" Cody said as the three men turned instantly aiming their guns at him. Cody raised his hands in defence.
"This ain't your problem kid! Move along!" The one guy said as Cody nodded his head.
"We can settle this differently." Cody said taking a tiny step forward. I knew I had to step in. I took a step forward before Emily, Mr. Harrison and Auntie CJ grabbed my arm.
"Get away kid, this doesn't involve you." The one guy said as the other went back to beating up the other one who looked like he was unconscious anyway. I bit my lip wanting to step in. Cody took a step forward again this time the guy raised his gun higher and turned the safety on it off.
"Violence isn't the answer." Cody said as he put his hands down to his side.
"Back the fuck up kid!" The guy said as I watched his every move. The guy fired his gun putting a bullet through Cody's chest.
"Oh my god Cody!" I heard everyone muttered as they all rushed to his side. I grabbed my gun wiggling out of everyone's grip walking towards the guy who shot Cody kicking him square in the chest sending him flying into the shelves making it fall to the floor. I grabbed the end of my gun bashing the guy who was beating up the one guy straight in the face. I heard movement coming from the guy I kicked as he got up to come at me before I aimed my gun at him.
"Please don't shoot." He said as he put his hands up.
"Why shouldn't I shoot you uh?! You fucking shot my friend and I'm pretty sure he didn't want to be shot!" I said louder to him as I inched forward. I kicked the guy who was trying to get up the one I nailed with my gun in the jaw probably breaking it.
"Please I'm sorry." He said as he dropped to his knees beside the other guy on the ground. I reached down grabbed the guy who was getting beat up.
"Leave. Now!" I said as he stumbled away. "Sorry doesn't change why you did now does it?" I said a little more calm even though I was pissed on the inside. I looked at the two guys on the ground trembling in fear and blood covering their face. "Get the fuck up and leave!" I said through gritted teeth as they ran as fast as they could towards the exit. I turned to look at Cody who was struggling for breath.
"Br..ook..lyn." He said through him trying to catch his breath. I grabbed his hand as everyone looked up at me. I looked down at him as I felt tears swell in my eyes. "" He said as I felt his hand loosen and drop to the floor. I checked his pulse. He didn't have one. I looked up at everyone signalling he was gone. Everyone began to cry especially Nick, he was crying the hardest. I blinked as I felt the tears in my eyes fall to my cheeks.
"Your welcome."

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