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We didn't really know what else to do except for drive. I mean we couldn't do much since we were so focused on getting to New York.
"Who else agrees we need to find another car?" Alayna said as she stuck her head through the tiny window. Emily nodded her head.
"Yeah it is a little small. You couldn't have found something bigger?" She said looking at me.
"What did you not want me to come and save you all? Be glad I grabbed a fucking truck." I said as she backed off. Alayna snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"We are getting eaten alive out here." She said as Shawn got scared by the words 'eaten alive' Alayna instantly regretted saying those words. "No I don't mean it that way. It's a figure of speech when someone gets bitten by bugs." She said as she tried calming him down a bit which worked.
"Okay so today's focus is a new car?" Mr. Harrison asked and just as he said that the truck began to slow down and then it came to a complete stop.
"What's going on?" Jack asked as he got paranoid through the window.
"I uh ran out of gas." Mr. Harrison said. I looked over at the gas meter..it was empty. Fuck.
"Okay then I guess we grab the guns and walk until we find a better truck." I said as everyone got out of the car stretching because we were cramped in there. We began to walk as each of us had guns. I had Shawn in one side of me and Mr. Harrison on the other. Both of them were trying to hold my hand meaning I couldn't have a gun.
"Robert, you, Brooklyn and Shawn look kind of like a family." Emily said as she walked in front of us but her back was facing the way we were walking. I looked down at Shawn and than up at Mr. Harrison. He pulled me into his chest.
"We are all one big happy family." He said as he kissed my forehead. I wiggled out of his arms making him give me a confuse look.
"Sorry it's muggy outside. It's really hot to be touching." I said as I kissed his cheek which was my way to apologize.
"What are we supposed to do? It doesn't look like there are any cars for like miles." Alayna said as we stopped walking looking both ways, the way we were originally headed and then the way we came.
"We can't keep walking out in the open." Owen said as he looked up at the bright sun that was beaming down on us making us sweat.
"We need to get out of the bugs." Emily said swatting at the bugs that were flying around her. I looked past the trees to see a factory of some sort.
"We go that way." I said pointing through the trees towards the factory. Everyone looked unsure but it was the only option to get out of the muggy air and the bugs.
"Alright move it people, towards the tall building." Shawn said as everyone stared in amazement at how loud he was. He grabbed my hand pulling me with him making everyone laugh. That was the best part about our little group, we all laughed more than we fought. We stood up for each other. That's was the best part about it.

We walked for almost 20 minutes through the woods to get to this factory. It wasn't just one big building though. It was the big building along with tiny others. I noticed that there was orange painting on the trees as we got closer to the buildings. There was barbed wire around the trees that were coloured orange which we learned the hard way by Jack walking and him falling which he now has cuts along his face. I have to be honest it was kind of funny. I mean I felt bad for him but it was still funny. We made our way through the barbed wire where my shirt got ripped going through the little hole that was slightly big enough for small people like Alayna. My entire right side was cut from my rib to my hip. I had to say it hurt but I didn't care when we heard sounds which sounded like bird calls. People dressed in all camo came appearing out of no where with cross bows and guns. I was still on the ground as everyone then stood up aware of what was going on. Some guy came over to Mr. Harrison who was kneeling beside me, he nailed him in the side of the head with the back end of his gun. He then looked down to me and looked where my cut was. The whole group of people knocked out all my friends dragging them away and then there were 4 over top of me staring at me with these intense eyes which I could barely see. I looked at the guy in front of me just above my head as he aimed his back end of the gun on the ground in front of me and than he kneeled. He looked at me and than at the others who he slightly nodded at. They all reached down at grabbed me. Why did he nod? I began to squirm as they dropped me on the ground hitting my head on the way down. I remember being flipped over and each of them looking at me but that was it before I fell unconscious.
---I woke up slowly and my vision blurry. Once I got my vision back I was looking at my feet that were tied to a chair along with my hands. I looked down at my cut which was bandaged up. I began to wiggle as I couldn't get lose. I turned to look to see if my friends were here, but they weren't. I was alone. I began to panic.
"Don't move. It only makes the friction worse." I heard a voice. It was calm and in a way kind of scary. It was a male's voice. "What are you doing here?" The man asked who was in the shadows. There was only one light and it was above me. I squinted trying to get a look at this guy.
"Who are you? What have you done with my friends?" I asked wiggling more. I heard him slightly move as he stepped out of the shadows. He had dirty blonde hair, green eyes and he looked no older than 20 and no younger than me.
"Tell me who you are and why your here and than I will tell you who I am and where you friends are." He said walking over to a chair in the shadows pulling it over to set down in front of me. He sat down leaning back in his chair looking at me. "So tell me your name for starters." He said as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. I knew there was no escape I needed to know where my friends were so I co-operated.
"My name is Brooklyn." I said breathing as I gave in.
"Brooklyn what?" He asked as he leaned back again.
"Mathews." I said as I clenched my jaw and balled my fists trying to get out.
"There we go. We now know each other. We are no longer strangers." He said as I tensed up a bit as he moved forward again.
"I don't know your name." I said cocking my eye brow at him. He laughed an evil-ish laugh. He than grinned so wide I swear he was the joker.
"The name is Dredd. Dredd Morris."

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