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"It looks like we have company." I whispered as everyone tried their best to stay quiet. We all lined up in twos prepared to fight and kill anything in our path. I was paired with Mr. Harrison (as always), Jack and Emily were paired up (they worked pretty well together), Shawn of course was with the dog who stayed a bit behind Mr. Harrison and I. As for Alayna and Owen they trailed behind all of us. We tiptoed down the hallway staying close to the wall. It was still dark out but the moon gave us light. We kept walking slowly and quietly trying not to draw attention to us. We were about to reach the other door when I seen a shadow and flashlights coming up the stairs. I turned to look to see the other stair case to see there were more people coming up. Shit. I motioned everyone to hide as we all went separate ways. I ended up being in the same room as Emily. I didn't know where anybody else was but I knew we were the closest ones to the one group of people coming up the stairs. I heard the door open as hushed voices and gentle footsteps made their way on to the floor we were on.
"It looks as if people were here. There is a fire that's freshly lit." I heard a females voice which sounded very familiar. I couldn't point it out but I knew the voice somehow. I decided to let it be since I seen a shadow through the window. I leaned against the wall by the door trying to not be seen while Emily did the same on the other side of the door but her foot slipped making the person walking by us get frightened and walk into the room. Just as he stepped foot in the room I kicked him in the leg making him cry out in pain, he gripped his gun aiming at me as Emily punched his arm making the gun fall out of his hand. All his group guys came running into the room as he spun around on our heels being met with about 4 people with their guns aimed at us. We couldn't really see their faces since it was dark but we could see their guns.
"Brooklyn? Emily?" I heard as the same female's voice was familiar but this time I could see her face a little more clear.
"Auntie CJ?" Emily and I both said dropping our guns running towards her giving her a hug. My friends came walking out of the rooms they were hiding in as every one of the guys pointed their guns at my friends.
"Oh drop the guns now Austin. Cody. Tammi. Nick. I said drop them." Auntie CJ said seriously as she hugged us tight. My friends looked at Emily and I completely confused like they missed a big revealing. Well they did, but once we explained who she was they seemed to understand a bit more.

We decided that we would stick together at least for the night and start a fire. Again.
"Auntie CJ, how did you manage to stay alive this entire time?" Emily asked looking around at her who was eating something from the duffle bag we had. Auntie CJ smiled at Emily as she set something in the fire.
"Well where do you two think you got your survival instincts from? Defiantly not your mother." Auntie CJ said smirking at me mostly as I just smiled knowing it was true. I knew Austin since he was Auntie CJ's boy meaning he was my cousin along with Nick. Austin was 18 and Nick was 16. Tammi and Cody I have never met before so this was new to me. We were just relaxing around the fire and getting to know each other. Cody coughed making Auntie CJ jump. "Oh I apologize for my rudeness, this is Cody Parker and Tammi Shay. These are my nieces Emily and Brooklyn Mathews. Cody and Tammi are Austin and Nick's best friends." She said smiling as I nodded my head looking at Tammi who was sitting very close to Mr. Harrison. I never got jealous, but you know what I was since there was something about her I just did not like.
"Yeah I'm Brooklyn, that's Emily. Uh this is Alayna, Owen and Jack my best friends. This little guy is Shawn. Our furry friend is King and-" I said standing up walking over to Tammi and Mr. Harrison sitting right in between them making sure she knew he was mine. "This is Mr. Harrison. MY boyfriend." I said saying my a little louder than everything else. He just smiled and slightly waved at my Auntie who just smirked at me.
"You guys have survived this long? In a way I'm a little surprised but at the same time I'm really not." Austin said looking at Emily and than at me. Emily hit him in the arm making him yelp out in pain. I just laughed as I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to see Tammi giving me the death glare. I glared back at her mocking her stare. I shook my head when Mr. Harrison kissed my cheek snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I should be offended but we take after your mom so we are really good at surviving in these type of situations." Emily said as she smiled at Austin and Nick who both seemed offended.
"You know what I never liked you anyway." Austin said as he just flipped Emily off. Nick nodded his head.
"Yeah we always liked Brooklyn more." Nick said smiling at me as I just sat there smirking at Emily causing us to laugh.
"Wait, so if you are family does that mean we are bringing them along?" Alayna asked looking around at everyone. I looked over at Auntie CJ who just smiled at me.
"Well I mean if you don't mind a few more people in your little group." Auntie CJ said which sounded more like a question. Alayna, Owen, Mr. Harrison, Emily, Jack and I all made eye contact pretty much talking telepathically. We understood what each look meant. I guess you can say we were just that good of friends.
"We don't mind." Owen said smiling at Auntie CJ who smiled back. That was the best part about her. Even if she didn't know you, she still smiled at you. She was always so happy.
"So why do they call you CJ?" Jack asked looking at her with a raised eye brow. Auntie CJ just smiled and laughed slightly.
"My name is Carmen. Carmen Jones. In high school I got the nickname CJ." She said smiling as Jack nodded his head. "Anymore questions?" She asked looking around as we all just shook our heads. I was still glaring at Tammi as she glared back. "Alright. Well let's get to sleep. We have a long day a head of us." Auntie CJ said as she kicked sand on the fire and everyone turned over. I continued to glare at Tammi until Mr. Harrison grabbed my face and pushed me to lay down.
"I have a question...can I just get rid of her now?" I whispered hoping no one heard me.
"What did you say?" Mr. Harrison whispered to me as I turned around.
"Nothing." I said sweetly as he groaned probably going to sleep.
"Go to sleep." Shawn said walking over to me to sleep beside me with King who followed after him. I smiled at him as he got comfortable. I looked over at Tammi who was now facing the other way.
"I'm going to end her."

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