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We thought the best thing to do was to leave the super store. Just as we were about walk out the door Jack ran forward to the side. In a shopping cart there was a zebra cake.
"Fuck yeah! A zebra cake!" He said putting his fists in the air. Everyone stared at him pretty much telling him to shut up. He shut his mouth very quickly as Austin and Auntie CJ were trying to comfort Nick. He took a deep breath and stopped.
"I'm fine guys really. It's just this world that makes me mad." Nick said as he walked towards the car. We reached the car to see someone trying to break into it. Jack just laughed and so did we as we knew it was bullet proof so them trying to break in wasn't happening. We walked over to the car where the guy aimed a gun at Auntie CJ.
"Stop right there! I will shoot!" The guy said as Auntie CJ just laughed as she stepped forward and unlocked the car elbowing the guy in the face.
"It helps if you have bullets in your gun." Auntie CJ smirked as everyone just laughed getting in the car.
Mr. Harrison an I hopped into the front seat so I was in the middle.
"You have no remorse do you?" Emily asked Auntie CJ as she smirked at me and shook her head.
"No I do, but when you try to harm my family I don't." Auntie CJ said joking at first but then she was serious.
"We all aren't your family." Owen said as everyone fell silent. Auntie CJ smiled wide at him through the mirror.
"You are all my family now." She said as I looked over at her as she smiled at me as I did the same.
"So we are going to head to New York a place we don't even know if it actually is there?" Jack asked in the back seat beside Nick and Shawn.
"Yes that is our only hope." I said turning around as I looked over at Alayna who was holding hands with Austin and Mr. Harrison who was leaning against the window too caught up in his thoughts to pay attention to what I was saying. I looked at King who was laying down with his head on Austin's lap. Emily was in the same seat as Austin and Alayna. "Even if it's not there we will make it through okay?" I said as everyone nodded their heads as I could sense a little bit of hope within them. I think that's what we all need right now is hope. At least a little bit of it. As we drove towards the giant sign that read New York I smiled at it. I leaned over so my hands were on Mr. Harrison's shoulders as I looked out the window at all the buildings we passed. Many buildings were torn down, some were still standing, but a lot of the buildings were invaded by what? I do not know, people, zombies anything really. The streets were made up of crashed cars and a lot of wondering zombies who seemed lost.
"Hey we are in Brooklyn, Brooklyn." Alayna said as she hit my shoulder making me look at her and then out the window to see the sign that read Brooklyn New York. I smiled wide at the city my dad grew up in. I looked at all the tall buildings that looked like people were still living in it. We drove past one building where there was a big sign that read 'Help Us!' I smiled but I felt guilt wash over me since all I wanted to do was tell people about the safe place which I didn't know was even there or not. It was just who I was. I wanted to help everyone but I couldn't or else I would be risking my own life, maybe even their's. We continued driving as everyone seemed very interested in what the buildings said. We passed one alley where I watched a woman get torn apart by a zombie making me press my head into Mr. Harrison's chest. He just patted my back knowing I felt guilt. My stomach ached at the thought of all the children who probably lost their parents like Shawn did or the ones who lost their lives.

I couldn't help but feel tears fall down my face. I wiped my tears away as I sat back down in my spot. I turned to face Shawn who was admiring the tall buildings in the back seat. I smiled slightly as auntie CJ grabbed my hand knowing I felt something too. I smiled slightly as I rested my hands on the dashboards and placed my head on top of them. I seen a building that said 'Thomas Maria Hospital'
"Hey isn't that the place dad was born?" Emily asked me as I nodded my head looking at the lights flickering inside. I shivered at the thought of what happened in there.
"Brook didn't you write a paper on your name in English class?" Jack asked as I looked at Mr. Harrison who smirked since he was my English teacher. I nodded my head and laughed.
"Yeah I did. I got a 78 on it." I said as I hit Mr. Harrison causing Emily to hit him too.
"Why are you hitting me?" He asked rubbing his arm. I just smiled at Emily.
"Because that was the best report I ever did and you gave me a 78." I said as he just shook his head smiling.
"Lucky you, I got a 56 on that report." Jack said as Alayna and Owen laughed out loud at Jack's comment. "It's not funny. What did you get?" Jack asked tapping Alayna and Owen on their shoulders.
"I got a 82." Alayna said as she just smiled proudly.
"I got a 94." Owen said as everyone sighed.
"Of course you did. What did you do your report on?" Jack asked as he looked a little interested. Alayna smiled.
"I did mine on my trip to Disney World." She said as she was extremely happy and I smiled since I was very fond of her memory. She never stopped talking about it when she came back from it.
"What about you Owen what did you write your report about?" Nick asked butting into the conversation. "Sorry I felt a little left out." He said as everyone chuckled slightly at him.
"I wrote my report on the time I tore apart a computer and put it back together again making it even better." Owen said as he just said it like it was no big deal.
"Why did you give them all high marks and not me?" Jack asked Mr. Harrison. Mr. Harrison turned around to face him.
"I gave Alayna an 82 because she wrote with a lot of detail and the wording she used was amazing. Brooklyn got a 78 because she had a lot of detail but her grammar was off. Owen on the other hand he gave me words I didn't know so I just gave him a high mark, that and he gave me a 4 page essay on it. You didn't give me any detail and it was only half a page. You need to work on your writing skills." Mr. Harrison said as he looked at each and everyone of us as he talked. Jack nodded his head leaning back in his seat.
"Jack what exactly did you write your report about?" Austin asked as everyone turned to face him. Jack bit his lip.
"I wrote about the uh move Finding Nemo." Jack said quietly as everyone laughed really loud. "It's not funny. I don't have anything interesting happen in my life okay?" He explained as he crossed his arms a little upset. I shook my head as I rested it against the back of the seat.
"Why didn't you talk about your dad and how he worked for the president?" I said as everyone went wide eyed looking at me with their jaws dropped like they seen a ghost. "What did I say something wrong?" I asked looking around at everyone who looked shocked.
"Hmmm I never thought of that." Jack said as he placed his hand on his chin like he was thinking of it. Everyone just laughed as Jack looked like he was defeated. I watched as Shawn patted Nick on the shoulder pointing out the window. I smiled as I loved seeing him happy. I began to talk to Emily and Mr. Harrison about anything really. It was the most we have talked. Like this entire drive. We never talked this much. It was like we were nervous but excited to see what was waiting for us.
"Hey guys, I think we made it."

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