Questions and Explainations

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"So you say there is a chopper heading this way to grab any survivors?" Mr. Harrison asked Emily as we all sat around on the roof. Everyone around us perked up a bit as Emily looked around at all the people who were sad and scared. She stood up on top of some sort of crate.
"Yes apparently there is a chopper this way. It's supposed to be picking up survivors. I don't know when it's coming. But it supposed to be coming. I heard it on the cop car radio. It could be days, it could even be weeks." She said as everyone began to chatter. I stood up hoping onto the crate beside Emily.
"Hey. Hey!" I screamed making sure everyone was quiet. "We are safe up here, than we are down there." I stated as I pointed out towards the city. Everyone nodded as they listened to what I had to say. "Now I have an idea if you do not want to stay up on this roof." I said as everyone began to chatter again. "Are you willing to listen?!" I said loudly shutting everyone up. "If you really want we can board up every entrance in the building so we can use the school as a safe house. But that's only if we can get helpers since we can't do it alone." I said as I looked around. A few people liked the idea others were too scared they didn't even look at me anymore. "Fine if no one is going to say anything come up with a better idea or else we are stuck up on this roof so don't complain when it starts to rain on us." I said as I got down off the crate to go sit in my little group of friends.
"That was a good idea Brooklyn." Mr. Harrison said patting me on the back. I smiled slightly a little annoyed with everyone else. It's unbelievable people are willing to complain but not do anything about it.
"Actually that was such a good plan it may just work." Owen said getting up as he unzipped the back pack he grabbed before we ran up on the roof.

"What ya doing there bud?" Damian asked as we all crowded around Owen. He pulled out a drawn out map.
"What is that?" Jack asked as he opened it up flattening it out for us to see. "It's a map of the school." Jack said in amazement.
"Why do you have a map of a school?" Alayna asked him uncertain on if asking was a good thing. Owen and I exchanged looks and then stared at Alayna smirking.
"We uh once planned to dig a tunnel through the school walls for our one history lesson." I admitted as I opened up the map more setting it down on the ground.
"Yeah it was an unfinished plan since we almost got caught." Owen said as we both began to nervously chuckle.
"I taught you guys in history last year." Mr. Harrison said as he sounded offended. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Yes you did. You inspired us to dig tunnels through out the school." I said smiling as he gave me a glare.
"Okay so if we block off every entrance a zombie can get in from the second floor up we have the entire school to roam around." Owen said as he began to mark up all the areas that needs to boarded up. I grabbed the marker from him.
"You only did the doors. The second floor and the cafeteria need their windows boarded up. Zombies can break through windows." I said as I looked at Jack as he knew what I meant. I marked up all the windows on the second floor and cafeteria.
"Okay so these circles are all that need to be boarded." Owen said as he held up the map.
"Okay then I think we can do it." Alayna said as we all nodded.
"But again we need more people. If it's only us 7 we won't be able to do it without getting caught somehow." I said as I looked around at everyone. I stood up on the crate. Some people stopped to stare others were so scared of me they didn't look. "Listen I know you are all scared or upset, but we need to work together okay? We will try and protect each other as much as we can." I said as I tried to have sympathy for everyone on the roof but I honestly couldn't since I lost my family too except for Mr. Harrison and Emily.
"How do you expect to protect us when all you care about is your own survival and your friends?" Someone said as I couldn't see who it was. "Why do you make promises you can't keep? How do we know that once we get down there you won't leave us to die?" The person this time showed themselves. It was Amber Hunt. In which Alayna and I like to call her Amber Cunt. Sorry but she is a terrible person if anyone deserves to die it's her. I was angry but everyone looked at me like that was my intentions. I took a deep breath.
"I'm not saying I will protect you all. That's why I'm saying we need to stick together. I don't care what you were like back when school was normal. I don't fucking care if you hated the person your stuck with while boarding up doors. Because if I had it my way, Amber I would toss you off this roof right now. But I won't because I want to survive so do you. So does everyone. Think about it. If we work together in groups everyone will survive. Think of what you want and then think of what everyone else wants because it's all exactly the same. We all want to survive. So if you want to survive we need to board up the windows and doors." I said as my jaw clenched towards Amber but softened as I looked around at everyone else.
"You never lost any of your family!" One girl I have never seen before cried out as everyone nodded their heads.
"Actually I did. I lost my 4 siblings and my parents. I only have my friends and my sister left. So don't you dare tell me I haven't lost anyone because I have lost a lot of people today." I said as I began to tear up at how upset I was and how angry I was.

Mr. Harrison came to stand on the crate holding me in his arms. Alayna, Owen and Damian stood up on the crate as well as Mr. Harrison took me off.
"Listen up! Raise your hand if you have lost someone you love related or not." Alayna said as everyone around us raised their hands.
"Okay now raise your hand if you would kill the zombies to get revenge for those loved ones." Damian said as everyone again raised their hands. Owen stepped forward a bit.
"Good now everyone close your eyes." He began as everyone did. "Now keeping your eyes closed raise your hand if you would do anything to survive this." He said as everyone raised their hands. I turned a bit still in Mr. Harrison's arms as I looked around at everyone who raised their hands.
"Good now open your eyes and keep your hands up. You will see that every single one of you want to survive. Fighting with each other isn't going to help that. We need to work together and board up the doors and windows." Alayna said as they walked over to me. I nodded my head.
"Okay Brooklyn I apologize, tell us your plan again. With more detail." Amber said as she walked over to me putting her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath. I began to tell everyone our plan when it began to slightly rain.
"Shit okay everyone get in small groups of 10." I said as everyone began to gather themselves up. "Okay I need everyone to meet me in the gym." I said as my group of Alayna, Damian, Owen, Jack, Emily, Peter and Mr. Harrison opened up the door first.
"Stay in your groups. You all have weapons to use. So use them." Owen stated as we went down first.
"We will clear the way you come down after 10 seconds okay. Each group goes down after 10 seconds. The last group make sure the door isn't locked so keep something in the door way to keep it from shutting." Mr. Harrison said as we slowly made our way down everyone listened and went along with it. We only had to fight off a few zombies on our way down to the third floor where the gym was. We waited a few minutes as everyone on the roof slowly gathered in the gym.
"See was that so difficult? Working together? If you guys can do it to come here than you guys can go it on the second floor and in the cafeteria to board up the windows and doors." Owen said as he looked around at everyone who was smiling.
"Okay so to board up the windows and doors just use desks and wood from the wood shop." I said as everyone nodded their heads. We separated everyone to make sure they knew what they were doing and everyone went their separate ways. My group was in one of the music class rooms which I absolutely loved. My teacher was Mrs. Santana she was an amazing teacher. I walked into the room and honestly I was in complete shock. Everything was broken and I actually wanted to cry.
"Okay we got boards from wood shop." Damian said as Owen, Emily and him came walking in with wood. I smiled as Mr. Harrison and I worked together on one window as everyone else worked on other windows. We heard the bell on the announcements come on.
"Attention everyone! We have a chopper coming this way!" The person said as I heard shuffling down the hallway. The rest of my group ran up the stairs making sure everyone was up on the roof before we went up there. I heard the sound of a chopper.
"Everyone wave their arms! Try get their attention!" I said as we all began to wave our arms in the air hoping for it to see us.
"I think it's coming towards us."

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