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Mr. Harrison decided it was time to tell us what was going on.
"Okay so I don't really know exactly except when I went to go lock the door some sort of zombie thing was roaming the school. I don't know for sure what it is, but stay in the room." He said as some people began to panic as others began to not believe him.
"That's total bull shit. You really think a zombie apocalypse would take over here. Yeah right!" Jack Hearty one of the boys in our school I hated said in disbelief trying to look cool.
"Fine then, look out the window if you don't believe me." Mr. Harrison said as everyone got up and looked out the windows. It seemed like everyone else was doing it to in the other classrooms. We were on the 4th floor which was good in this case. We all looked at the foot ball field where people were running like normal people run and then other things were behind them limping/running towards them. We all backed away from the window except for my group of friends. I was so amused by this. Then I family. Shit. I raised my hand.
"Robert! Can I take my phone out and text my family?" I asked as Mr. Harrison well Robert nodded his head.
"Everyone can take out their phones and text their families but no one is allowed to leave. If your parents or families want to come here tell them to knock on the door 4 times so I can let them in." He said as everyone took out their phones. Jack still didn't believe anyone.
"I don't believe in this horse shit. Those people could just be actors or something." He said still trying to macho. I rolled my eyes as I texted my family.

To: Mom, Dad, Emily
From: Me
Tell me you guys are okay!!!! Stuck at school!! Answer me back please! Hope you are okay xo

I waited for a response still getting anxious as the time went on and didn't get one. I was nervous and annoyed. Not only did I hate math class but I had be stuck in the class.
"Fine then open up the door but lock it when your done." Mr. Harrison said as he motioned to the door. He stared at me and then at Jack. Jack got all macho and walked towards the door. He hesitated when his hand touched the handle before he unlocked it and opened it slightly looking out. He quickly shut the door right and locked it. He leaned against the door. "Do you believe me now?" Mr. Harrison said as Jack nodded slowly in shock at what he seen.

I sat on the window sill as I waited for texts. No texts. I looked at the clock. It was not even 10am and this was going on. Alayna smiled when she received texts from her family.
"My parents are fine. They are also on locked down at work. I'm good. I'm okay. They are going to continue texting me." She said relieved with a sigh as she sat beside me smiling. Owen and Damian both came over to us smiling in relief as their families were all safe and sound texting them.
"What about you Brooklyn, is your family okay?" Damian asked me. I shook my head as I looked down at my phone in my hands. I was getting upset and I never get upset. Mr. Harrison recognized this coming over to us. He sent everyone away so he could sit beside me.
"Hey you okay kiddo?" He asked as he set his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head as he pulled me into him. "It will be okay." He said over and over again. I took a deep breath as he just hushed me. My phone vibrated making me jump up in excited.

To: Me
From: Emily
Are you okay? I don't know about mom and dad but I just watched a police man and our little brother get killed by a zombie! I'm coming to your school! I just need to find a way to escape these zombies! I will keep in touch! xo

I sighed in relief in Mr. Harrison's arms. I relaxed as he smiled.
"Are you good now? Was that your sister?" He asked me. I nodded my head.
"Yeah Emily. Except my little brother is dead." I said as I got a bit upset. He hugged me again. We broke apart by the sound of sirens outside. We looked out the window to see a cop car driving through the field. We watched in confusion as a whole bunch of zombies attacked the car breaking the glass causing the cop to crash into the goal posts. The zombies ripped the cop apart right in front of our eyes. We all backed away from the windows completely grossed out. We were all in our little cliques. I had my group of three where everyone else was in their own little groups.
"This is total bull shit. We are going to starve in here." Natalie Fisher repeated. Alayna spoke up.
"What are we supposed to do? We can't go out unless we want to die." She said as Natalie bit her lip.
"We don't have any other choices. We are going to die out there or die in here of starvation. We need to get food and water." Natalie's twin brother Noah said as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I pushed myself off the window sill and away from Mr. Harrison. "Well..." I began as I stood up on a desk in the middle of class as everyone stared. "What do you expect us to do? There is only one thing we can do. We need a few people to go get supplies other than that, there is nothing we can do." I said as everyone looked up at me waiting for me to continue.
"How do you expect us to do that?" Jack asked sounding like he didn't think it was a good plan. I rolled my eyes.
"Well Jack, we pick the people who are fast and strong. People who can carry supplies and not fall. People who can fight for themselves." I said as Jack backed off. "What do you think? It's just an idea but I don't know what else to do." I said as I looked around at everyone who was officially listening to me. Mr. Harrison bit his lip before standing up raising his hand.
"I think that's a good plan, except you need weapons, you can just run." He said as he looked around at anything useful. "Everyone look for some sort of weapon." He demanded as everyone turned to search for weapons. I stayed on the desk looking around. I looked at the desk.
"The desks." I said quietly. I jumped down flipping over the desk looking at Owen who caught on to my idea.
"What are you doing with the desks?" Jack asked looking at us.
"They aren't the best weapons but they will do. Tear some desks apart and use the legs as weapons." I said as everyone grabbed a desk beginning to unscrew them apart. By the time we were done there was about 20 weapons ready on the floor.
"Okay now what? We still need people to go get supplies." Natalie repeated as she got anxious. Everyone began to chatter as they didn't want to go. I looked at Alayna, Owen and Damian. Alayna nodded her head since I know deep down she is a secret bad ass. She could kick ass if she really needed to. Owen was muscular, he was also very fast too and he was good at aiming for things. Damian on the other hand avoided my eye contact. I knew he was scared and didn't want to leave the safety of the classroom. He was always the rational and played it safe kind of guy. That was okay. I wasn't going to pressure him into anything.
"I will go." I said as I grabbed a weapon on the ground followed by Owen and Alayna. Mr. Harrison wanted to come with us, but I told him to stay behind, watch out for the others.
"We need at least one more person to come with us." Owen said as we turned around. Everyone was avoiding our eye contact. We turned back around.
"Okay fine then. We will go then." Alayna said as we turned around go out the door.
"I will come with you." As we turned around and there was Peter Bartlett. He was tall and fast. We nodded our heads as we turned back around. Mr. Harrison came running over to us.
"Brooklyn, remember that beat I made at that one family dinner?" He asked as I nodded my head remembering perfectly what it was since I joined in at our family dinner. "Well knock on the door like that so I know it's you." He said before hugging me. I hugged him back before he unlocked the door. I stuck my head through the door looking left and right. I took a breath before taking one step outside the classroom. I took a look back at the classroom before the door was shut and locked. I looked at Owen, Alayna and Peter before we began to walk towards the direction of the cafeteria. They probably felt it too...scared.

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