Stupid? Or Just Plain Dumb?

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I got to the car as everyone stared in anger and worry.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I heard everyone yell at once. I calmed the little boy down but they didn't notice I had a little boy until I took his little blanket off his head. Everyone shut up instantly staring at this little boy.
"I had to save him or else they would have gotten to him." I said looking out at the huge amount of zombies attacking cars. I looked down at the little boy in my arms who was still shaking. I looked up at everyone else who looked angry and worried but they also looked like they understood. They admired the little boy in my arms as I looked at Mr. Harrison. He didn't even look at me. He just started the engine and drove forward ramming into everything in its way. Emily and I sat beside each other as she tried to get the little boy to talk. He didn't really say much. "Just give him time. Let him just calm down." I said to Emily as she nodded as I began to rock the boy in my arms. He calmed down a bit as he stopped crying.
"He's really cold." Emily said as she felt his arms. I covered him with the blanket.
"I know." I said as I rubbed the little boys back hopefully making him a little warmer.
"We can't just drive all day. We should try and find a safe place to stay." Alayna said in the back seat as Mr. Harrison's gripped tightened on the wheel and his jaw was clenched. He nodded his head not looking back at her or me. I knew he was angry. I was more focused on this little boy in my arms. Mr. Harrison pulled into this cabin looking house where there were lights on. I looked around before everyone slowly got out of the car.
"Who are you?!" We heard as everyone stopped.
"Hello?" I called out as I took a step forward.
"Stop right there girly!" I heard as I stopped.
"We just need a place to stay for the night." Emily called out as this elderly couple showed themselves with shot guns raised to their heads.
"Are any of you infected?" The woman asked raising her gun higher. We all looked at each other.
"No we aren't." Alayna said raising her hands in the air.
"What's that thing in the blanket?" The man asked as they moved closer to us. I removed the blanket to reveal the little boy. They stared in amazement before bringing us inside.

"Please make yourself at home." The woman said as we looked around at how beautiful it was.
"Tell us your names." The man asked as he brought in some drinks for us to have along with snacks.
"I'm Emily, this is Mr. Harrison. Alayna, Damian. That there is Owen. That's Jack. The girl holding the little boy is my sister Brooklyn." Emily said as the man and woman looked at each of us.
"What about the little boy?" The woman asked moving closer to us. I shook my head.
"He hasn't spoken yet." I said as I looked down at him.
"Well nice to meet you all. I'm George. This here is my wife Lorraine." George said as he motioned to his wife. We smiled thanking them into their home.
"You all must be tired." Lorraine said as she noticed the shape we were in.
"We only have 3 other rooms. So you mind sharing?" George said as he brought us upstairs to where the 3 rooms were. "This is one room. Who wants it?" George asked as Alayna and Emily found it amusing to sleep in. They walked in smiling shutting the door politely. We moved onto the next one.
"This is one of our favourite rooms. Our grand kids used to stay in it." They opened the door to reveal bunk beds that was where Owen, Jack and Damian decided to sleep.
"That leaves you two. Your room is fairly larger than the others. We call it the honeymoon suite." They said opening the door. They were kidding when they said it was large.
"Thank you so much." I said as they patted the little boy on the back and smiling politely at me before walking into the room. I grabbed a couple pillows from the side Mr. Harrison wasn't sitting on. He didn't talk to me or stared at me.
"So we are sleeping with him?" He said sounding angry. I ignored him. "Are we sleeping with him?" He asked again louder this time. I set the little boy down on this chair where I curled him up with blankets before turning around.
"What is your problem?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"I don't have a problem." He said as he curled into bed.
"Your obviously angry at something." I stated as he just pulled up the blanket to his neck and turned off the light.
"I'm be angry. Good night." He said as he curled up in the blanket. I walked over to the lamp he turned off turning it back on again. "What are you doing? I'm going to sleep unlike some people." He said trying to turn it back off again. I slapped his hand away.
"Your going to tell me what's going on right now." I said as he stood up towering over me.
"You are my problem. You always do things for others. Yes it's a good thing but saving that little boy was a stupid move." He said getting close to me. "I could have lost you and it would have been all my fault." He said calming down a bit. He backed away from me as he sat down on the bed with his head in his hands. I looked over at the little boy who just sat and stared at us.
"I couldn't just let him die there." I said as I sat down beside him. He sighed.
"I know. Just I need you to be safe. You and Emily are all I have left. I do not need your stupidness to get yourself killed." He said he looked at me. I could tell he was serious.
"I'm sorry." I said as he looked over at the kid.
"You are really good with him though." He said as he smiled walking over to him making the little boy smile slightly. Mr. Harrison smiled at me as I walked over to them. "What's your name little man?" He asked as the little boy coughed clearing his throat.
" is...Shawn." The little boy said quietly. I bent down to where Mr. Harrison was.
"How old are you Shawn?" I asked as he held out 5 fingers. Mr. Harrison and I looked at each other.
"Shawn I'm Robert." Mr. Harrison said as the little boy smiled and then looked at me.
"I'm Brooklyn." I said smiling as the big smiled back.
"I need you to try to sleep okay Shawn? Can you do that for us?" Mr. Harrison said as Shawn nodded his head. Mr. Harrison got up walking over to the bed.
"If you need us we are just in the bed okay?" I said as I patted the little boy on the head and walked to the bed. Mr. Harrison gave me a look. "What?" I asked as I crawled into bed.
"You just keep giving don't you?" He said as he shut off the light turning over to wrap his arm around me. I slept pretty good that night except...

---There was more light than expected that woke me up. The smell of smoke woke Mr. Harrison up obviously walking the little boy up. There was banging on the door.
"There is a fire! Get out of the house!" I heard Alayna say as we opened the door. Mr. Harrison grabbed his shirt and I grabbed the little boy who practically ran into my arms. We ran down the stairs.
"Where are uh George? And Lorraine?" Mr. Harrison asked as we met up either everyone else. Mr. Harrison put his arm around me blocking me from the smoke and the fire along with Shawn.
"They left long before the fire even started."

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