Episode 7

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" what! who the hell is this Crazy woman " Ryan said angrily to his guards

" what!!!!! Crazy woman!!!!! Me crazy woman? Do you want to die!!" Clara screamed at Ryan

He scoffed in frustration , then he looked around in embarrassment

" what are you doing, take this crazy woman out of here !!!" he shouted at his guards

Oh my God , this will not end well.

Ryan's guards turned to Clara

" you need to leave now. You are shouting" they said

Clara glared at them before picking her bag on the floor, she dusted her bag

" my dear generation bag, don't mind this stupid guy" she said and looked at Ryan

Ryan looked in her face

" what!!" Ryan replied in shock

She raised her hand to slap him and I held my heart, she gently withdrew her hands

" if not for one thing I would just slap you here. " Clara said

Ryan moved his lips to talk but no worlds fell. He was so shocked and frustrated at the same time. His guards too where looking at Clara in shock like they have not seen a human being before

" I should have known today would be a bad day. just drag this woman out of here before I lose my temper " Ryan shouted at his guards

" we are sorry sir. Hey woman!!!" They shouted at Clara then dragged her away but Clara pushed them away then pointed the bag at Ryan.

" hey!! I am watching you. better watch your back" she said to Ryan

Ryan scoffed

I had been signaling Clara since that this is Ryan but she was not paying attention to me so I signaled her that this was someone who deserved respect and he was someone who could fire her and keep her out of job forever

Clara opened her mouth wide in shock

" why didn't you tell me since" she whispered gently touching me

A young lady arrived , she was in suit and other men in suit accompanied her

" do you even know who you are embarrassing young lady.... take her out of here and send her straight to jail " she said to the men she came with

Clara hastily bowed to ryan. in such a way her hair covered her face. She knew she was in trouble

I am finished today, I hope he forgives me. Why didn't Diana tell me earlier that he was a personality, what do I do now, if I loose my job, if I go to jail, how will I meet Ryan. My life, my dreams

I hastily lifted my face then I bowed again, the guy shifted back in shock.

" well....

" going to jail is not enough. This crazy woman threatened to kill me" he said

" why did you drop my bag on the floor then, are you stupid" I shouted , his eye widened " sir" I completed then I slapped my mouth

" what!!" Was what escaped his mouth as he looked around in frustration and embarrassment. He almost went crazy.

" am I stupid sir? Like Am I stupid sir!! Imagine the polite insult. Take her out of here" he snapped at his guards

They tried dragging me but I hastily bowed

" sir, my king, your honor, your majesty,am
Really sorry. Huh. Well the thing, insanity runs in my family. Sir I am mad. Don't mind me " I tried touching his shoes but he hastily removed his legs , I almost laughed

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