16 || Sixteenth Chapter - HE CARES... OR NOT?

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Finally we got out of that horrible place and we went for a walk. I noticed that Minjang was paler than usual, that day, even though she was since a few days ago. I noticed she was walking badly and was much thinner. Maybe it was me that I saw wrong? For a moment it seemed like she could not stand, then she fell. Fortunately I took her in my arms.

-Ya, Minjang ah!- I shouted. She had fainted. I was really worried and I was shocked. I did not know what to do and I was going to panic.

-Ya, ya! Wake up!- I shook her shoulders, but she was just fainted.

-Help! Help, she had fainted! Call the ambulance!- I was going to panic. I began to cry among the people, who came to see what had just happened, worried. Suddenly there came a gentleman who helped me.

-Don't worry, I'm a doctor!- He reassured me. He put his hand on her pulse to see if her heart was still working and put two fingers under her nose to check her breath.

-She's unconscious, call an ambulance!- He cried and someone called the ambulance. In short, the ambulance came and brought me and Minjang to the hospital.

-What's happened?!- I asked to the doctors, worried. Without being aware, I was dying of fear; I was afraid that it could have happened something terrible. If this would have happened a few weeks earlier, I would have cared? Arrived at the hospital, they took her into a room, but I could not enter. I called my hyungs, I knew they would help me. They arrived quickly, everyone very worried.

-What's happening? Where is Minjang?!- Taehyung hyung seemed more worried. It was obvious that he liked her, but she would never like him, because I had promised that she would love me.

-We were walking quietly and, after having wavered a bit, she fainted!- I explained.

-Oh, it's terrible... But now where is she?- Asked Jimin.

-She's in the room.- I pointed to the room where there was Minjang. From the window you could see she was lying on the couch, with so many needles stuck in her arms, still with her eyes closed.

-When will she wake up?- Asked Seokjin hyung.

-I don't know, but I hope soon...- I said, worried. Soon we tried to change the subject.

-Well, then how's it going with your mission "fall-for-me"?- Asked Hoseok hyung, laughing.

-I don't know... But I'll make it, I promise!- I said, laughing too. Actually I did not know if this thing was working. Was she really falling in love with me? After that kiss, I think so. But why did I kiss her? I was falling in love with her? Impossible.

-Ahn Min Jang ahgasshi woke up. Who's her tutor?- The nurse came out and told us her awakening, after about twenty minutes. The others looked at me, as if they were waiting for me to do something.

-It's me.- I got up and announced. I did not even know I was but, apparently, it was me, because I was with her that I had accompanied her here and that I was the one who knew her more than anyone else.

-Well, come with me.- She smiled and I followed her into the room. I sat on the chair next to Minjang and watched. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, smiling at me. Then she sat up on the couch.

-Mianhaeyo.- She smiled.

-Don't worry. However, are you better now?- I asked. Was I really worried about her?

-Ne.- She just nodded.

-So, Ahn Minjang, let's see. Hmm... After examination, I see that you suffer from low blood pressure. Do you confirm the symptoms?- The nurse sat near Minjang and handed her the paper.

-Ne, it's almost a month that I suffer from these things. But it's nothing, tomorrow I'll be healed and now I can leave the hospital!- She confirmed the symptoms. That's why she looked so sick. But why she did not talked about it with us?


I did not want to stay longer at the hospital already. I had never liked it. In addition, the needles into my arms were bothering me and I was about to take them off by myself. The nurse handed me my exams and I confirmed all of the symptoms. It was just the low pressure, that I had read before. But I was sure that I would be healed quickly.

-Actually you are likely to be discharged this evening, but you should respect certain rules which we'll tell you, such as about your meals and habits!- The nurse smiled at me and gave me some advice on what I should do to heal. After a few hours, we were ready to leave.

-Jungkook, please, don't say anything to your parents. I don't want that they'll worry...- I begged him.

-Arasso...- He seemed to be collaborative.

-Oh, hello!- I noticed the other and greeted them.

-Minjang! How are you?- They worried, as soon as they saw me.

-I'm better now, thank you! I'm ready to go home!- I smiled and made the "V-sign" with the fingers and the others laughed.

-Who can give us a ride?- Jungkook asked smiling to others.

-You can come in the car with us!- Seokjin announced and then we went into his very large car.

-Thank you so much, guys!- Jungkook and I thanked them and went into the house, greeting them.

-Ya, you two! Where have you been all this time? It's late!- The mother of Jungkook seemed very concerned. He and I looked at each other and we smiled, without being noticed.

-Excuse us!- I apologized, while Jungkook went off in his room. I sat on the sofa with her.

-So? Did you find out what's happened?- She asked.

-Oh... Yeah, I 'm really sorry. Unfortunately I didn't know how to help Jungkook or neither you, so I just tried to comfort him while we were walking.- I explained, still sad.

-Don't worry, you can't help... I'm so grateful that you've tried, and I think he's too.- Then we changed topic. It was late and we went to sleep.The next morning when I woke up there was no one at home. I also knocked at the door of Jungkook that was closed but not receiving an answer, I went in and did not saw him. Seconds later he came in through the front door. I looked at him, but he went in without a word, with two bags in his hands.

-My parents have gone to work and they'll come back on 31st and then I went to do shopping.- His attitude of yesterday was completely gone. On one side it was even better, because the "sweet" was not just for him.

-So, from now on until that day, you'll be making dinner and lunch and make me breakfast.- He added placing the bags on the kitchen table.

-Puoh! Ah, pff! What, are you crazy?-  Who he thought he was? It was not like I was his maid and he was my prince, I had to serve and revere him. Tsk.

-No, I'm not joking.- He first laughed, then he spoke and took out the smile, becoming serious.

-I won't do it!- I crossed my arms.

-I remember you that I can still make your life a hell.- seriously, he remembered his words.

-I could do it too, though..!- I announced, with a sly smile.-Ah yeah? And how?, I wanna know.- He asked. Fortunately I noticed things with which I could "disgraced" him. I walked near a surface where there were some pictures.

-These.- I smiled so bad and I pointed to the photos. Photos where there was a baby, really baby, Jungkook. He was really ugly, but also fun. He stared at me and at the pictures in a panic.

-NO! DON'T EVEN TRY!- I took all the photos and ran away, followed by him. I laughed and he was greatly worried about his reputation.

-This brat... Come here, ya, stupid!- He shouted, trying to grab me. Fortunately he did not caught me, but he stumbled on me, turning around and making me fall on him.

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