24 || Twentyfourth Chapter - NIGHTMARE OR REALITY?

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I ran out of the taxi, directed to the hospital.

-MINJANG, WHERE IS AHN MIN JANG, WHERE'S SHE?!- I screamed like a mad man. I started crying. Miss secretary looked at me shocked and scared.

-A...Ahn Min Jang sshi? The girl who had that terrible accident? She has arrived about twenty minutes ago and is now in intensive therapy...- She showed me the department of therapies and I ran there. There were no one in the corridors. I finally found a nurse and stop her.

-Excuse me, do you know where is Ahn Min Jang?- She stopped and thought, then she pointed at the door behind her.

-She's now being operated, no one can enter. She'll be done in one hours and half. The accident was really severe.- She could not imagine how desperate I was.

-What happened, exactly?- I asked.

-A huge tunk crushed the take where she was. I heard several of her bones are broken and her conduct respiratory is crushed. Actually the chances of surviving are less than 50%...- I was scared to death. Less than 50% chance of survival? Are we joking?! Minjang could not die, no! There were not any transplant? What could no more work, exactly? Some of her bones are broken? Fix them! She can't breathing? Let her breathe!

-I'm really sorry... I saw her passing and she looked like a very young girl. Are you her boyfriend? Or her brother?- I did not care what people thought of me now, I just wanted to have Minjang.

-No, I'm just a... friend? Yah, and a classmate.- I said, shyly.-I'm so sorry... Trust me, everything will be ok!- She gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder and then left. However, the panic rised. When would Minjang exit? How was she reduced? Had she lost consciousness? It was the longest half hour of my life. I spent that time walking back and forth down the hallway with hands in my hair and desperated face. Finally the doors of the room where she was opened. I spun around and ran there. I clung to the stretcher and immediately looked at Minjang. It was no longer her.

-Young boy, are you a relative or a friend of this girl?- Asked one of the surgeons.

-Yes, yes, I'm a friend!! What happened?! Please, answer me!!- now the tears were coming down. I could not stand to see her like that. With bandages, plasters and anything on the face, arms and legs to stop losing blood. With an arm cast. With tubes coming in from all over her body. She seemed ready to disappear forever from this world. Was really Minjang, that person?

-We're really sorry. She has several deep wounds all over her body, has the bone of her left arm fractured, two broken ribs, pelvic bones have shifted and she has had a very high impact hitting her head violently. In addition, a buffer is no longer working properly because it has been crushed. What worry us most is her head and the lungs. She's almost dying but we'll do everything possible to save us.- The things that had happened to her seemed a shopping list. Was she really dying? My eyes were wide open but then I returned to cry.

-We're recovering her with urgency in a special room, the no. 6, follow us, please.- They brought the stretcher in a special ward. She was in a medically induced coma, from which it was possible that she could not wake up again. I was really afraid.

-We have brought documents of the girl found in one of her bags, from which we were able to trace the phone numbers. We spoke with a woman who said that she would send her son here and then would come. I guess you're her son.- The surgeon asked me, as he put Minjang on the bed.

-Oh? Ah... Yes .. It's me.- I said.

-Sign the documents, please. Wait, but first, how old  are you? And the girl?- I guess those were documents that authorize someone to stay with her.

-I was born in 1997. She was born in 1998.- I said, looking Minjang, suffering. The surgeons froze suddenly.

-You're both too young. When your parents wil come, tell them to go in the room next to this one.- They went away, leaving me alone. Then I was alone, because Minjang was like a ghost. The body was there but she was not. I started standing next to her bed and took her hand.

-Minjang, sorry. I'm so sorry, really. What will happen if you won't wake up? Will it all end here? Why we hated each other all this time? You have totally changed my life and you'll leave now like this. Right now we were starting to get along better. We were becoming friends. Just now that I'm losing you, I'm understanding how important you were for me. Please MinJang, wake up. As soon as possible.- I whispered even though I knew she could not hear me, and I got a tear. Soon after my parents finally arrived and entered the room shocked.

-Jungkook! Jungkook, Jungkook!! Where is Minjang, how is she?!- Mom ran to me and hugged me. I just wiped my tears and squinted to keep from crying. Then I pointed to the bed, and mom and dad were shocked and appalled to see her there.

-Omma... She's in medically induced coma...!- I said  to my mother. I had no words. Dad was really shocked while mom started crying. Father consoled her and she calmed down. Suddenly came two doctors.

-Are you Ahn Min Jang's tutors?- Mom and Dad nodded. The doctors made them sign some documents and then explained what happened.

-Ahn Min Jang has less than 50% chance of surviving. Nor we don't know if she'll survive.- Mother burst into tears and I was desperate.

-Please, doctor, you can find a solution! Don't let her die, please!!- She begged the doctors who seemed very sad but determined to help us.

-Don't worry miss, we'll find a way.- Mom and dad did not know how to thank them. I did not want to say a single word. Now there were only four of us in the room.

-... What if she doesn't wake up? What will we do?- I interrupted the silence with this question. I was terrified.

-Don't worry, she'll wake up. She'll do it.- Dad patted me on the back, reassuring me. I really wanted to not to care about this, but how could I do it?

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