18 || Eighteenth Chapter - EMBARASSED FOREVER!

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And, rightly, dad and mom had seen all because of the security system that Dad loved and protected. So my mother saw and called me. Certainly she will do something with that video, but I do not know nor want to imagine what. Minjang tried to change the subject, pointing the grocery bags and asking them and their contents.She could check them my herself, but it occurred to me the idea of this morning, for which I had awoken before. I had gone out to buy licorice, I had read licorice to be a remedy for the problem she had. Not because I wanted to help her, but at least she would healed quickly and she would never bothered  me again for going to the hospital. I took the bag containing the bag of liquorice and took it into the kitchen. While Minjang was waiting for me, surely snoozing, in the living room, I rechecked with the phone once again that I have the right "medicine" and not the wrong one. In group "방탄소년단", the group of kakao talk with me and my hyungs, there was a message, a video sent by Taehyung hyung. I looked at the first few seconds: Minjang and I. The video was about what had just happened. I knew Mom had sent them the video. But why would they care about it?! I had eight other private chats opened. All of the hyungs and mom. Mom sent me the same video. I read the other chat.

Yoongi Hyung: Aaah~ Jungkookie! I have to teach you how to act with the girls!

Seokjin Hyung: Kyaaa Jungkookie~~!! Your hyung is proud of you~! But you are still very young! But I have something to say about your "mission"...

Namjoon Hyung: Jungkook!! Chukhahae!! I think I should write a rap on this one! It will be something like we will talk about the youths' love, yeah, kamsaha!

Jimin Hyung: AAAA JUNGKOOK!! YOU'RE FINALLY A MAN NOW! The little man of your hyung! You really have to act like that... ;D >3<

Hoseok Hyung: Jungkookieeee you're growing~! You had a moment like a man before of me! What is this? Hahaha @.@

Taehyung Hyung: Jungkookie. Hahahaha, jinjja? Your mission is failing! It was not to be her to love you? It seems that Minjang hates you and it's you that is falling in love... Who knows! kkkk

Ah, so embarassing. Everyone had seen the video. Well, at least I proved what I could do with women. After answering, after a quarter of an hour, I decided to come out. As expected, she slept. Holding the bag in hand, I sat down next to her. I did not want to wake her now, I wait for her to do it alone. I stared at her. My legs and arms were motionless, no, my entire body was motionless. I was looking at the face of Minjang and only my eyes could move, in a visual field that included only Minjang. Why, why, why?! I wanted to move! But it was as if she paralyzed me. Like a mythical creature that had the power to draw people to her and paralyzing them, making sure that they could only watch her. A beautiful girl. No, where beautiful?! Beautiful my ass! Aish, I was going crazy! Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me. This "broke the spell" and I went back to move. I could not remember what I had to do, until her eyes did not give me the answer. She was looking at the bag in my hand. I took it and handed it to her. She got up a little bit, but remained lying.

-What's it?- She asked.

-Liquorice.- I replied.

-I  don't like liquorice.- She said. Stubborn. YOU MUST EAT IT IF YOU WANT TO BE BETTER. I took a stick with the thumb and forefinger and make them open. She had her arms crossed and did "no" with her head. She did not want to. I ran a little laugh and even she smiled a bit.

-Come on, try it at least! If you eat it you'll be better.- I recommended her. So she bit it. The stick becoming less and less because it entered in her mouth. I watched her lips. They were seductive and kissable. WHAT. I distracted myself by that thought taking other sticks and making her eat them. I was feeding her. I also began to eat some of them, since I had bought so many. I went more and more close to her face, to make sure that they were almost attacked. I wanted to see her more closely. She took by herself the last stick and bit into it. She had eaten half of the half when I snapped the other side. She gripped the stick with her mouth closed and looked at me with wide eyes.

-I'vm eawting thiws wone!- She tried to speak. I laughed, still holding the stick tight with my teeth. I began to advance. I wanted to eat it, I wanted to be the one who would have finished it. She went on with two shy bites, while I was progressing much. Lips distant one centimeter. "And now?" I think that was what we both thought. And now, as in any self-respecting romantic drama, kiss. I swallowed quickly the remaining small piece and kissed her. A simple peck on the lips, just the lips were touching but a million of emotions. Among embarrassment, happiness, longing, confusion and anger. I did not even know what I was feeling at that moment. Or maybe, I do not want to. Both closed our eyes. I had heard that if the kiss is appreciated, the eyes will be closed. We were really appreciating? Not me... And she either, because, as the Christmas Eve, she pushed me away.

-Your madness doesn't really have limits, right? I don't understand you!- She houted at me. By now both began to breathe heavily. I had tears in my eyes and I was starting to sweat. My words were coming out of my mouth. I was going to say without even thinking.

-Please...- I could not stay quiet. I spoke the words as easily as if I were reading them somewhere. I looked down again and took her hands.

-Minjang ah, please... Minjang, be my girlfriend!!- I screamed with all my strength. I could not believe what I was saying. What was happening to me?

-... Wha..What? What?!- She was confused, very much. But I was even more. I had just asked her to be my girlfriend. I wanted with all myself that she was, but I did not want her to accept. What would I do? I would have said "haha, no, sorry, I got confused"? I was going crazy!

-Minjang, please!! Be my girlfriend!! Jebal...- I burst into tears. I was afraid. I was afraid of what I was saying. I did not want my words to hurt her or break her mood. Both were crying. She stood up and wiped the tears and went to her room. It was obvious, I would have done it, too. I guess that she was really shocked. But I was too. What a trouble.

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