35 || Thirty-Fifth Chapter - YOU GOT ME

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My parents loved Minjang so it was easy for the to accept what happened. The morning after, I felt to so empty going to school without Minjang, but I had to get used. In the hallways I talked about this with Taehyung. That hyung was glad he wasn't involved! So stupid.

-Oppa!- Three girls called me and approached me. Fangirls? I rolled my eyes.

-Oppa, you don't know us?- asked one of them, using a lot of aegyo. So annoying. Only Minjang was cute with aegyo. Oh, Minjang. I already missed her.

-Well, anyways! It would be so good if we'd become friends, right?- What the hell? Where does this bitch come from?

-My name is Woo Min Ji and they are Cha Seol Li e Kang Se Yeol!- okay, but I haven't ask for it...

-Haha, yeah, cool...- I didn't even know how to react.

-Don't you find me pretty?- She started touching my arms. No, she was actually ugly as fuck.

-Yeah! Isn't she gorgeous?- Said that Se Yeol, who made Min Ji laugh. What the fuck.

-I must go, the bell rang!- I ran away from thise crazy girls. Out of school, tho, they came to me.

-Let's have a date!- Minji asked me.

-I can't!- and I didn't want to. Now, let me go because Minjang is waiting only for me. I ran at home and I found Minjang on the sofa, still wearing pajamas and eating chips.

-Was it fun to stay home?- I smiled at her, putting the school bag on the floor.
-A lot!- She ate the last chips and licked her fingers. Damn that tongue.

-Was it fun to go to school?- she laughed.

-No. Three bitches followed me around.- I told her. I wonder what would have been her reaction after that night when she was sleeptalking.

-Three girls?- She asked, without even looking at my face.

-Yeah. One of them is called Woo Min Ji.- the smile disappeared from her face.

-What?- She wasn't looking at me. She was just looking at the floor.

-Woo Min Ji.- I did the spell. She was a bit shocked, then smiled.

-Great name.- She stood up and went to her room. Did she know her? Anyways, the day after, and the after again, those girls, especially Minji, followed me around. It was finally the first week of April. I didn't want to come back home after school and so I went for a walk. I found Minjang and I called her name.

-Ya Minjang! Hi!- I greeted her and she was going to stand up and come to me, but she suddenly stopped. Someone touched my shoulder; I turned and saw Woo Minji. I rolled my eyes. No, not now.

-Oppa!- aegyo. Minjang looked sad. Minji kissed me on the cheek. Eww, disgusting! I made a face and looked at Minjang, who seemed even sadder.

-No Minjang, wait!- I was going to leave, but Minji stopped me.

-Oppa! When will we have a date?- She asked. Minji looked at Minjang, as she felt in some kind of way, better. Minjang started crying.

-Never!- I shouted and ran after Minjang. I followed her all way home but she ran into her room and closed the door. I knocked. I just heard sobs.

-Minjang, I'm entering!- I told her, just in case she was near the door.

-Go away!!- She cried, snuffling. She seemed really mad and I didn't want it was my fault. I entered.

-I asked you to not enter...- She was still crying. She tried to wipe her tears, but more were falling down. I sat next to her, who was sitting on the floow, with her back towards the bed.

-Minjang, why are you like this? What happened?- I put an arm on her shoulders. I moved a lock of her and gently lifted her face. She was evidently embarassed and didn't want to look at me.

-Why are you crying? What happened? Come one, you can tell me...- I wiped her tears, but she wasn't talking.

-Why did you run away just before? Wait...is it because of Minji?!- As she heard the name of Minji, she suddenly stood up, ready to leave. I stood up too and take her by an arm, making her stop. She fell because I pulled her too hard. I helped her to stand up, but I saw some bruises on her arms and legs, under the sleeved and pants. What??

-Ya, Minjang... what are these bruises?- I was really worried. She looked at them.

-Nothing. I guess they're because of the roller coasters.- She wiped other tears.

-This is impossible, more than two weeks have passed.- I made her sit.

-You and Woo MinJi aren't friends, right?- I asked her.

-You have to stop talking about her!!- She screamed and stood up again. I stopped her again. We were standing, one in front of the other one. She was embarassed and I was shocked.

-...It was her, right?- A terrible feeling came up to my mind. Maybe...?

-I asked you if it's her and her group's fault.- I was trying to keep calm.

-No, stop.- She said, with a low voice. She was turning around, but I stopped her once again.

-Minjang, you have to tell me. Don't worry, trust me.- I put my hands on her shoulders. She just looked away, trying not to cry. It was her fault, then.

-Tell me exactly what she did, please!- She was trying to stay calm.

-Minjang, speak up!- I shouted. -You have to tell me everything, you can trust me!

-Jungkook, I'm so fed up because of Minji!- She shouted and cried again, letting herself go in my arms. I was so shocked. Why was she like this? I hugged her and caressed her head.

-Don't worry, I'm here now.- She kept crying. It was weird seeing her crying, so I wiped again her tears away.

-Let's sit and talk about it, please. I wanna help you.- We sat on the bed and I waited for her to be calm.

-So..?- I tried to start the conversation.

-You don't have to worry and don't be embarassed.- She was staring into space.

-The apparently strong girls.. They're not always strong.- She said, not looking at me.

-That's because they know when to be strong.

-It may be.

-It is, really.

-And they're not cooler.

-But they're smarter. They're better.

-You think so?

-I do.

-Then what am I? What have I done... I let them...

-Let them...?

-Let them beat me up.- She raised her head and looked at me.

-What?? Did they beat you up?!- I stood up and cried her, really worried.

-Many times.

-Many times?!

-I'm weak and defenseless. I'm a loser.- Why did they beat her up??!

-No, you're not! They are stupid!- She didn't say anything.

-Why did they do that?!

-They wanted me to say what was our relationship. And they said that if I wouldn't have said anything, they would have beaten me up. This first happened in November.- She explained. It was terrible.

-Are you crazy?! You could have said we were just friends! Or even that we live together, who cares?!

-I didn't want you to be in trouble.

-You know I can escape from trouble! Don't worry about me.

-Then why do you worry about me?- We looked at each other.

-Because you need it. I know you've passed a lot of bad moments in your life.- No one said nothing anymore. Meanwhile, we were sitting on the bed. I made her lay her head on my chest and I caressed her repeatedly.

-Don't worry. You got me.

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