3 || Third Chapter - I ALREADY HATE YOU

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The happiness to go to school was already gone the next day. But I couldn't show it in front of my parents.

-I leave, bye!- I said and went out. I took the bus and sat in the same place of yesterday. I noticed that in the last seats there was someone. I looked: it was Jungkook.

"What does he do? Does he sleep?" I asked to myself, putting the earphones.

-Who cares if he'll be late.- I said, in a low voice, looking him in the face.

-I'm awake.- He said, still with close eyes. Damn! He was awake! I made a fool of myself and it was embarassing. After that, I returned to my seat. We arrived. Jungkook was snoring and seemed to have fallen asleep.

-Maybe someone will be in late for school...- I said, loking at him and, grinning, I leaved quickly and went to school.

"What an idiot. He fell asleep and will arrive late. Just idiot." I thought, as I walked to school.

-Ya! Where is our beautiful Jungkook?- Three girls stopped me.

-I don't know and I don't care.- I answered, indifferent.

-How dare you! You should know it, since you know HIM.- One of them complained.

-Min Jang ah!- I heard someone calling me and I turned around.

-Tae Hyung ssi!- I smiled, just when I saw my new friend Taehyung.

-Call me Oppa ~ *wink*- He almost ordered me, winking.

-Arasso, Oppa!- I smiled, winking back.

-Today would you like to have lunch with me?- He asked.

-Oh, sure, Oppa! Gomawoyo!- I smiled and thanked him. As he looked nice, I knew I would have fun with him, and so I couldn't wait. The bell rang and we entered the classroom. I met Seulgi in class, where we greeted each other, before Mr. Baek entered. 5 minutes after, Jungkook came.

-There isn't just one day when you are not late!- The teacher shouted. Jungkook glared at me and sat down.

-You saw me but you didn't even deigned to tell me that we arrived.- Jungkook told me.

-I told you I have no interests in you and then I don't care if you come late.- I said, sincerely.


"Call me Oppa!? What is this?" I thought, looking at Taehyung hyung talking to Minjang pabo. "Yes, all right, oppa, hihi! Oh! What a miserable scene! Ugh! How dare you call him oppa? Jungkook, hey, calm down, you don't care. Really disgusting. Taehyung disappointed me. Isn't it that he likes her? Did he even invite her to lunch? Are you crazy, man?!"

-It's Jungkook, look!- The fangirls saw me. The sight of those two was covered, and I almost thanked heaven.

-Yes, yes, hello to y'all, beautifuls as always, girls.- I said, annoyed. Today they were more! These bastards made me arrive late again. Hateful. And, as always, Teacher scoled me.

-You saw me but you didn't even deigned to tell me that we arrived.- I told to that ignorant.

-I told you I have no interests in you and then I don't care if you come late.- "How did she dare to say something like that? People like her really can't exist. I have to make sure that she will fall in love with me. More than the fangirls. Maybe it will be difficult, but nothing is impossible for me." I thoughed.


I couldn't wait for lunch. I couldn't bear the presence of Jungkook near me. I couldn't, it annoyed me like anything other. I prayed the bell rang and it was as if my prayers had been answered: the time passed quickly! Seulgi approached me with an almost sad expression.

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