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In the Garden of Eden. Adam opened his eyes to look around. It was beautiful, the scenery. He assumed he was left to figure out what to do on his own, so that he did. Adam walked around, taking in the fresh breeze and amazing sights. There were these pretty things flying around and big things with four legs walking. He smiled.

This is nice.

Adam thought to himself. He looked down and noticed he is naked. He thought back to the angels in heaven, while they were making him. He remembers how they were wearing these big robe-like things over their bodies.

Should I have something on too?

Adam looked around, spotting a big tree. He jumped up, snatching two leaves off of it and began gathering sticks. He made sure he got 4 sticks, 2 for the back and 2 for the sides. He made sure they fit perfectly around his hips before shoving the two side sticks into the leaves and the front sticks fit in the middle. He put the thing he crafted around his waist, smiling.

"I did it.!" He gasped and covered his mouth. His own voice scared him for a second.

"Oops." The rest of the day was spent gathering foods and sitting down to rest for a while. That was until an angel descended before him. He introduced himself as Gabriel, an archangel.

"Your name is Adam, and your role here is to name the animals, gather food as to not die, and do whatever else you want to. It's a paradise, after all." He smiled at Adam. He felt a little uneasy, but nodded anyway. Gabriel pointed towards a big tree. "Just whatever you do, do not eat the fruit from that tree." Adam stared at the tree. "It's dangerous." He nodded once more.

"Okay." Adam responded simply. And right after he did, Gabriel disappeared back into the sky. He looked at the tree one more time, then looked away, getting up and walking back to the place he was originally in. He laid down on the ground, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

--2 days later--

Lucifer wasn't very keen on staying in one place for too long. That's why when Eden was invented, he was super excited to go down there. The other angels — his older siblings —had given him permission to since they knew he couldn't stay still almost at all. This was a new place for him and he was full of glee. Lucifer floated down to Eden, feeling the weather switch instantly. It was sort of chilly in heaven, down in the garden though, it feels lukewarm.

He smiled softly. Lucifer placed his feet on the ground gently, looking around. He spotted a big pond, and immediately rushed over to it. He sat on his knees in front of it, cupping his hands and dipping them into the water. The clean water puddled in his hands. It showed his reflection and it was so sparkly it was almost mesmerizing.

Though, he flinched when he heard footsteps coming. He quickly rushed away, flying up to a tree and hiding in the leaves. Lucifer watched as a figure walked up to the water, sitting on his knees and lifting it the same way he just did.

He couldn't get a good look of the figure, so he moved down a branch, staying as hidden as he possibly could. He could make the figure out to be a man. The man lifted his hands to his lips, he watched as he parted them and slowly sipped the water, before splashing it on his face right after. The man's hair got a bit wet and he had to move it out of his face. Lucifer moved a bit and accidentally fell out of the tree. The man, startled, jumped up and took a step back.

"Who is there?" Lucifer heard the mans voice and immediately got himself back up, brushing his cassock off.

"Hi! Sorry! Ahem... Didn't mean to startle you." He chuckled nervously.

"Oh, you are an angel. I have never seen you before?"

"Yes, It's nice to meet you! I'm Lucifer. And you are?" The man cleared his throat.

"Uh, I am Adam. Nice to meet you too." Lucifer smiled.

"Adam, huh? That's a pretty name." When he stood in front of Adam, he had noticed how absolutely majestic the man looked. He had a sort of light brown skin, with messy brown hair that he pulled off pretty well, and gorgeous rounded golden eyes.

God really did a good job on him, huh?


Adam was having fun. Lucifer was a joy to be around. After meeting him, Lucifer took notice of his crafting around his waist. Instead of sticks, it was replaced with rope, is what the angel called it. He was super grateful for it because the sticks were very hard and uncomfortable to sleep on. Lucifer came down to Eden often, apparently he had been assigned the task to look after Adam and help with Adams own tasks. But neither of them were complaining, Adam enjoyed Lucifer's company. Currently, the two of them were sitting by the pond they had met at.

"Hey, Lucifer?" Adam asked the man next sitting next to him.


"Is there another name I could call you?" He saw Lucifer lift a brow in the corner of his eyes.

"You mean like... A nickname?"

"Um, Yes. I think that's what it is called."

"You could come up with one." Adam pondered for a moment.

"Luci? Or Lulu?" He glanced over at Lucifer, who was smiling.

"Those sound nice." He grinned back at him. Lucifer — Luci — laid his head on Adam's shoulder. Adam could feel his heart skip a beat.

Is that normal?

"Wanna name animals together tomorrow?" Luci asked. "Of course." Adam responded quietly. The sun began to set, and the two men fell asleep with each other next to the pond.

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