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Warnings: Group chat texting? just incase if for some odd reason someone doesn't like that🤕

Lucifer woke up at about 5am, he usually does wake up at around this time or 4:30am. Something he still does even after being kicked out of heaven like, eons ago. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He stood up, slipping his feet into his yellow duck slippers and walked out of his room.

It always takes a lot of stairs and walking to get all the way down to the kitchen since his room was basically in a tower. When he did get to the kitchen though, Alastor was there, leaning against the wall and drinking from his mug that said 'Oh Deer!'. Lucifer glared at him but neither of them say anything. He grabbed the coffee maker and his mug from the cabinet above him, having to stand on his tippy toes.

When he placed it down on the counter he poured about half a cup of the coffee in the mug. It's quiet while he does this, until Alastor decides to speak up with his headache-inducing static voice.

"I see you may have taken quite a liking to our new guest? The little lamb?" Lucifer opened the fridge and chuckled, then turned his head around.

What's that supposed to mean?

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You know what I'm talking about."

It's too early for this.

He ignored him, rolling his eyes and turning back around, grabbing a milk jug from the fridge and pouring a bit of it into his mug, after he does he puts the jug back in the fridge and stirs the liquid with a spoon. Then Alastor's bitch ass opens his big ass mouth again.

"Hmm, I wonder how Charlie and the other residents would feel that you and the very person they worked together to fight against had feelings for each other?" Lucifer sighed, putting his cup down and turning around.

"If they start being a bitch to you, Lucifer, you be a bitch back."

Lilith's words. He tries to remember this whenever someone pisses him off. It's like a reminder that he can't let people walk over him all the time and he needs to say something back if it makes him mad. Lilith may have been a bad wife but she sure as hell gave good advice... Sometimes.

Walking up to Alastor and staring up at him dead in the eyes, Lucifer pointed a finger to his chest as he spoke in a quiet but stern tone as to not be too loud but also get his point across.

"Listen here, asshole. You shut your filthy cannibal mouth and keep my daughter and Adam out it. There's no feelings between me and him and I'm not going let you stand here with that shit eating grin on your face and gaslight me into thinking there are feelings just so I can screw up and me and Adam get fucked over because it's taken out of context, understand?" Alastor simply hums and takes a sip out of his mug, walking away.

Lucifer walks back over to the counter, pleased. Confrontation sucks. But he does like what he gets out of it — satisfaction. With himself. Like a feeling of pride that he was able to stand up for himself or some shit like that. He stirred his coffee a bit more and walked out of the kitchen, heading back to his room.


Adam and Lute's day went as usual, waking up early, getting ready together, and then eating breakfast. Nobody was in the kitchen but them this time and Adam even let Lute paint his nails black to match with hers to pass time. To be honest, hell wasn't that bad so far. Other than the fact that him and Lute are basically trapped inside this damn hotel but that's fine because the only reason he's happy about them staying here is that they both got super cool looks and super cool piercings!

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