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Warning: Violence/Fighting, Death... Momentarily

There might actually not be an early meeting. Lucifer flew over as quick as he could, roughly punching Adam right in his face, breaking his mask. He caught Charlie in his arms, glaring at the spot Adam just fell in.

"Dad?!" He looked down at Charlie and slowly lowered himself on the rooftop.

"Hey, sweetie. Sorry I didn't show up sooner." He said, smiling softly. Adam interrupted.

"Oh come on! How many more of you freaks do I have to fight?!" Lucifer placed his daughter down on her feet.

"Oh, I'm the only one that matters." He responded, walking towards Adam. "See, you messed with my daughter, and now..." He rolled up his sleeves, looking up at Adam. "I'm going to fuck you!" Adam looked down at him in concern, and everyone was staring at him weird after he said that.

"...Uhm, It's fuck you up, dad." Lucifer looked over at Charlie.

"Wait, what'd I say?-"


A few minutes later, probably 8, Lucifer ended up on top of Adam, punching the shit out of him. He never really understood the term 'seeing red' until now. Adam was trying to kill his daughter. He couldn't lose his daughter. He didn't want to lose anyone else he loved. Though, Adam was a loved one as well, he couldn't just choose to protect both of them. He lifted up a fireball in between his hands before Charlie stopped him.

"Dad!" He looked up at Charlie as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "He's had enough." He looked down at Adam, and nodded. He climbed off of him and walked over to stand with the rest of the group. Adam climbed out of the hole in the ground and started whining like a big baby. Then he wasn't.

"Hey- ya got something sticking out of your... Thing there." Lucifer said, referring to the dagger sticking out of him. Adam coughed a bit of golden blood out before falling forward onto the ground. He watched him fall down. Not saying a word. Every word that everyone was saying was blurred in his ears as he stared at Adam's body, motionless on the ground.

No way that's it for him.

He walked up to Lute, who was holding Adam in her arms, crying. "Take your little friends, and go home!" He yelled, pointing to their big portal in the sky. "Please." He smiled politely as he watched Lute grab Adam's halo and retreat her army. He waited for his group to walk away, then crouched down to Adam's body. He watched his golden pupils slowly turn to look at Lucifer.

"I knew you weren't dead."

"I might be dying, though." Adam groaned, turning his head a bit to the side to cough out some blood. "This fuckin' sucks... How am I of all people dying right now?." His voice sounded strained and unsure. Lucifer stared at him, trying to keep himself from crying. But it didn't work, tears started running down his cheeks.

"I don't want you to die, Adam." He sobbed. "I know I just beat the shit out of you and all, but you mean a lot to me. I can't lose you, too." Lucifer could see the light slowly leaving his eyes.

"Don't cry, you asshole." Adam reached a shaky hand out to Lucifer's face, placing it on his cheek. He smiled, placing his hand on Adam's. Adam wiped away a tear with his thumb. "It doesn't suit you." Lucifer chuckled softly.

"This doesn't suit you, Adam..." His voice cracked. Adam's eyes slowly began to close, Lucifer watched, more tears falling. "Adam...?" He called out to the unconscious man. "Adam, please. Don't die." No response. Lucifer choked out a sob, grabbing the hand Adam had on his cheek and squeezing it as he cried. It's not like he could've stopped it. He could either have protected the man he's known and cared for since he was created or his daughter he had with a woman who doesn't even love him. But Adam also doesn't love Lucifer, and Lucifer doesn't love him either.

God damnit.

He slowly placed Adam's hand on his chest, standing up and looking down at him. He wiped his tears away with his sleeves.

He wouldn't want me to be crying.

He sighed, frowning and walking away from the body on the ground, returning to his group.

I'm sorry, Adam.


To be honest, he had nothing to be sorry about. Adam didn't know he was going to come back from the fucking dead. Adam opened his eyes to see bright lights, ones that look like heaven. He snapped up, looking around to see Sera and Emily.

"Uhm... What's going on?" He had a headache and his mid stomach stung. Sera, who had her back facing Adam, turned around and stared down at him. Adam stood up slowly, rubbing his head.

"Hello, Adam. There is an important matter that needs discussing. Please wait for your company to arrive." Sera responded calmly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Company? What does that mean-" Adam's words were cut off by doors behind him being pushed open. He turned around, seeing that the supposed company is Lute. She walked in, a grumpy look on her face.

Well, I'd be grumpy too if I died. I'm fuckin' awesome.

Lute noticed Adam standing near Sera, and gasped. "Adam?!" She ran over to Adam, giving him a tight hug. He grunted.

"Lute- ow. I can't breathe." She released him from the hug and backed up. Adam held his stomach, which still hurt.

Damn that stab must've really affected me.

Sera cleared her throat. "Ahem." Adam and Lute turned their bodies towards Emily and Sera, looking up at them. "I'm sure you two are wondering why you've been called here today. And why Adam is alive. You see, we made sure Adam respawned back alive in heaven so we would be able to tell you both this together." Sera explained. Adam and Lute looked at each other, then back at Sera, confused.

They can control that? What? I'm super confused right now.

"Uhm- so what happened is, you both broke your divine contract." Emily said nervously.

"What?! No we didn't!" Lute shouted. Adam's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, all we did was do what we were ordered! And we both got fucked over in the process!." Sera held up her hand to silence them.

"It's the contract of which you and Lucifer made a while back ago. The one that explains you aren't able to harm a hellborn. You killed one, and injured two."

"Who?" Lute asked.

"The Morningstar's pet was killed and you also harmed Lucifer and Charlotte."

"That was Adam, not me."

"Bitch, shut up! Listen, Sera. I was only protecting myself."

"The contract was still broken, and you must face the consequences of your actions. We have already decided your punishment." Sera sighed, opening a portal behind the two exorcists. "You both will lose contact with your army, and be forced to spend the rest of your days in hell."

"What!?" Adam yelled out, before he could do anything else, him and Lute were grabbed by guards who apparently were standing by the doors the whole time?

"Sera! Emily! Wait, we can fix this! Please!" Lute screamed as her and Adam were dragged to the portal behind them, and shoved in. They both fell on the ground next to each other. Lute got up quickly, reaching out to the portal which closed before she could get her hand close to it. She fell onto her knees. "Fuck!"

Adam just sat there. Staring.


He looked at the ground, an angry look on his face.

Are you fucking serious.

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