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Warning (not rlly): adam has a bit of a sensitive moment w luci so he might seem ooc😞, and there's signs of depression (with lute not adam)

"This sucks."

Adam said, wiping down the bar and organizing the bottles on the shelves, like he was told to. He didn't want to comply but also didn't want to get kicked out for not complying so it sucks to suck.

"Yeah. I can't believe we're actually doing this," Lute said as she crouched down and swept the dirt pile on the floor into the dustpan she held.

"This was your idea, Lute."

"Shut up. I was protecting us." Lute sighed, standing up and throwing the dirt from the dustpan into the trash. Adam didn't respond, putting the last bottle onto the shelf, then turning around.

"Did she say we needed to clean rooms?"

"I think so. She gave me a paper of numbers they might be the room numbers." Lute took a paper out of her pocket and handed it to Adam. He looked at the paper.

"Ugh. Okay. Let's split them up for both of us, there's 6 rooms on here so I'll take 3 and you take 2."


"That's not...No..."


"It's 3 and 3. I take 3 you take 3." Lute frowned, putting the broom and dustpan back in the corner of the kitchen.

"Huh? Oh. Fuck you, don't make me feel dumb."

"maybe if you didn't act like a dumbass..." Lute mumbled, Adam snapped his head towards her.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's split the rooms."


It's been a week now that Adam and Lute have been staying at the hotel. There have been a few outbursts, mostly from Adam. Lute has only gotten into an argument once and it was when she sat on her tail which apparently she didn't know she had until then and got upset at everyone. Adam on the other hand got frustrated over almost everything. If someone was talking too loud or too low, chewing too loud, annoying him, talking too much, he would get upset.

But they were cleaning like they were asked to, at least. And both of them have their own rooms now. But right next to each other, as Lute requested. Speaking of Lute, she doesn't come out of her room much. She'll come out to clean and try to bargain with Charlie to let her eat in her room for dinner but Maggie has to remind Charlie that they aren't supposed to be getting what they want. The only thing they've got off the hook for at all is not touching the garden. They haven't even peeked at it.

Lute wanted to look at it, but Adam didn't, so then Lute didn't either. When everyone tried to tell them they had to clean it, Adam just got upset and locked himself in his room until dinner and nobody spoke to him about it. Nobody understood why, but Lucifer did. It might be some sort of trauma he's trying to push down or something like, 'Nah that garden doesn't scare me I'm not a pussy'. It's a problem they needed to fix. They're both less talkative now, Lute specifically.

Adam talks when he wants to join a conversation and Lute talks when someone talks to her first. It's weird but oh well, as long as they aren't bitching and moaning about little things. Currently, the two of them were putting away cleaning supplies so they could head off back to their rooms. Lucifer watched them both walk past everyone in the TV room, which they were all talking about some way to contact heaven. He could see Adam and Lute talking to each other but they were too far to hear what they were saying. All he could see was Lute nodding and heading upstairs while Adam turned the other way. Towards the garden.

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