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Warning: (internalized) homophobia/slurs, implied/referenced sex

This went on for a while. Every meeting, Adam and Lucifer would hook up. Everytime after though, he would tell Lucifer,

"I'm not some fag or somethin' though, so don't get it twisted."

It was confusing, but he decided not to question, as long as he as getting what he wanted out of this. Afterwards, he'd go back home to his wife and kid and take care of them. Currently, Adam was lighting up a cigarette that Lucifer gave him while Lucifer himself was getting dressed.

"Can't that wait? You know I go into a coughing fit around smoke." Lucifer said, buttoning his vest up. Adam scoffed.

"You shouldn't have given me the shit in the first place, then. If I have it with me then of course I'm going to smoke it right now." He replied, annoyed. He took a puff of the cigarette and purposely blew it in Lucifer's direction. He snarled.

"You are so stubborn."

"Well, then you can stop fucking my stubborn ass every year if you wanna use that language with me, sissy." Adam said as he stood up from his bed and started putting his cassock back on. He opened his mouth to speak again, but there was a knock on the door before he could. He glared at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Your assistant, sir. Sera is asking to see you at the department." Adam sighed loudly.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." Once he heard the receding footsteps get far enough, he turned back around to Lucifer. When he did though he almost jumped out of his skin. "Holy shit! Why were you standing right behind me?!-" His words were cut off by the man in front of him pulling him down by his collar, placing a finger on his bottom lip.

"I don't know who you think I am, Adam, but you aren't able to speak to me that way. You may have power up here, but so do I." He whispered. "I could call off the exterminations. You know what that means? No more of these special little meetings. Boop!" He booped his finger on Adam's nose, smirking. Adam spoke, stuttering a bit before he did.

"S-sure- yeah. Whatever. My bad, dude." Lucifer let go of him, chuckling.

"I'll be taking my leave now. See you next time, Adam." He said as he opened a portal and walked in. Leaving Adam there alone.

Fuck! He always does this shit!

"This bitch... Leaving me fuckin'- dazed and confused.? Whatever the damn saying is..." Adam mumbled to himself as he put on his mask and opened a portal to the extermination building. He fixed himself up a bit before bursting through the door.

"'Sup, hoes! Heard Sera's lookin for me-" He cut himself off when he saw Sera staring at him. "Oh. Heyyyy, Sera...!"

"Adam. This is Addison, I just read her file and I think I'd like to give her the role as your new lieutenant." Adam chuckled nervously.

"Whaaat?? I don't need another one though, I'm perfectly fine without one!" Sera gave him a look that said she did not agree with him and lightly pushed the short woman towards him.

"Go on, introduce yourselves, I will be back later to check on you guys." Sera walked out of the building. The woman stood there awkwardly. Adam came up to her and aggressively shook her hand. "What's up! I'm Adam. Or, dickmaster as some call me!"

(absolutely nobody calls him that in a serious manner.)

"What's your name again?" She looked up at him nervously.

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